Note: This page is a constant work-in-progress, with new information and corrections being made all the time. To search on the “2000-2019 Timeline” for any particular year, person, event, business, shop etc, simply press CTRL+F and type in the thing you are looking for in the small box that will appear on the screen.
2000 – Feb 10

Peter Batchelor, the Victorian Government Minister for Transport, officially opens the newly constructed Pedestrian & Bicycle Bridge over Spring Creek (above), along with the completion of the strengthening of the original 1875 stone bridge (below).

2000 – Mar

Finland-born Jarmo ‘Jerry’ Jokinen establishes an aluminium foundry called Engineering Pattern and Specialists (EPS) at 21 Crawford Street in Beechworth’s ‘Industrial Estate’. Always interested in local sport, Jerry will serve as President of the Beechworth Football Netball Club from 2005 to 2007, with his EPS business being a major sponsor of the club. Jerry and his wife Karen will eventually retire to Tasmania, where Jerry passes away in 2019.

Snow falls heavily on the Beechworth Plateau from soon after dawn on this Sunday morning, accumulating to 30cm in depth and completely isolating the township for several hours around the middle of the day. Downed trees, blocked roads and icy conditions make travel almost impossible in and out of the area through into Monday. Record low temperatures, gales, thunderstorms and hail follow as a second intense pulse of polar air surges into the north-east. Damage from high winds is widespread in the most severe winter weather since the cold snap and snowfalls in Beechworth on July 15, 1966.

Snow also falls in the neighbouring Yackandandah valley, and in Bright and Myrtleford and as far north as Baranduda, 7km south-east of Wodonga at an elevation of 160m on Sunday afternoon. It is the second heaviest snowfall in the area in a hundred years, after the fall of July 1966. |

Thirteen students have to be rescued from a hut at Langford’s Gap near Mitta Mitta, and across the state four deaths are caused by the weather – two by falling trees and two in car accidents caused by the poor weather. Many roads are closed by snow and fallen trees, including the Harrietville to Mt Hotham section of the Alpine Road. |

Some Beechworth locals even strap on their skis to get around the town!


Klause Pozzebon renovates the old Corner Hotel building on the corner of Ford and Camp Streets and opens Pozzebon’s Pizza. It is not successful and closes after a couple years. The building will then become Victoria’s Café before being run as Taylor’s Milk Bar (below).


Helen Christensen establishes Beechworth Boutique at 79-81 Ford Street, specialising in women’s apparel and footwear. The two shops have had many occupants over the years, including Paper Trail and Campagna, Gray and Mallinder Solicitors (below) and Divine Linen.

2000 – Jul 1

The IGA Supermarket at 73-77 Ford Street closes and moves into it’s large new store fronting Loch Street where it is officially opened by Don Chambers, the Mayor of Indigo Shire. The owner of the building – James McCormack and his family – have purchased and demolished three old houses to make way for the purpose-built supermarket and car park.

Beechworth’s other supermarket – ‘Foodworks’ (above) – is at 22 Junction Road, opposite Beechworth Primary School. The shop was originally established in 1948 by Daniel and Betty Dingwall as a tuck shop for the school across the road. |

An arcade is opened, running between 73-75 Ford Street, through to the newly re-located supermarket at the rear. Named the Golden Vale Centre, one of the first tenants is Samantha Pryor’s Rubens Hairdressing at shop 4. Others to follow include L.J. Hooker Real Estate, Beechworth Chiropractic, Reflective Soles, Collins Booksellers and the Welfare Thrift Shop.


Meryl McMillan obtains the franchise to operate a Collins Booksellers store at 73 Ford Street, former site of the IGA Supermarket. Diane Ingwersen takes over the business in 2012, renaming it Beechworth Books, before it is purchased by Charles Dean and Nadia David in July 2021, who run the popular book store today.

Robert and Janelle Ransom take over the Beechworth Motor Inn – Beechworth’s first motel – at 54 Sydney Road. The Ransoms will renovate and refresh the 1968-built motel in 2012.
Featuring 10 motel rooms, the ‘Beechworth Motor Inn’ is built and opened in 1968 by the Francis family. For 15 years it is part of the ‘Best Western’ chain of motels, but is now independently owned and operated the Ransoms. |

2000 – Sep

The Beechworth Football Club – playing in the Ovens & King Football League – win the Premiership, under the guidance of coach Michael Quirk, defeating the team from Moyhu by 20 points. (Beechworth: 6 goals, 9 behinds – 45 points / Moyhu: 4 goals, 1 behind – 25 points). The Beechworth Bombers (below) will win the flag again the following year.

2000 – Oct 14

Stephen Tapsell from Tapsell’s Books at 91 Ford Street purchases the original fourth draft of Peter Carey’s seventh novel “True History of the Kelly Gang” and offers it for sale at his book shop for $50,000. During the 1990s, author Peter Carey (above) visited Tapsell’s Books in Beechworth several times while researching his Ned Kelly book. The fourth draft, which Carey had carried around the district during his research trips, features the author’s hand-written notes, thoughts and suggestions throughout the manuscript. Tapsell buys the beautufully bound fourth draft of the book directly from Carey. The State Library of Victoria will later purchase all the other Carey drafts and source materials.

“True History of the Kelly Gang” will win the ‘Booker Prize’ in 2001. The high-profile London literary award is conferred each year for the best novel written in the English language, which has been published in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Always greeted with anticipation and fanfare throughout the publishing world, the winner of the ‘Booker Prize’ guarantees worldwide publicity that usually leads to a major international sales boost. The day after Carey is named the winner of the ‘Booker Prize’ Stephen Tapsell sells two first editions of “True History of the Kelly Gang” for $450 each! |
2000 – Nov

Beechworth Toys and Collectables is established by Nigel Smith and Jenny Dyson at 77 Ford Street (in a new building constructed on what had been a laneway beside the supermarket). It specialises in quality toys from around the world, including wooden toys, educational games, traditional rocking horses and wind-up tin toys. Quickly outgrowing the small shop, in 2002 it will move up the road to its current location at 51 Ford Street (above), an historic and well-preserved building with beautiful, pressed metal ceilings that came by ship from England in 1889. Sadly, Nigel Smith will pass away suddenly in March 2009.

2000 – Nov 17-19

Having been ‘revived’ in 1996, the Beechworth Theatre Company stages a production of Robert Harling’s “Steel Magnolias”. Directed by Ildiko Howlett and produced by Ken Melville, it is performed at the Beechworth Memorial Hall.

The first ‘Beechworth Dramatic Society‘ is founded in May 1866. Over 100 years later, in 1979, the ‘Beechworth Theatre Group’ is established and stages a number of productions before being incorporated as the ‘Beechworth Theatre Company’ (BTC) in 1984. Ceasing operations in 1991, it is re-established in 1996 with an adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic “A Christmas Carol”, staged at the ‘Bijou Theatre’ at the former Mayday Hills Asylum. BTC continues to this day. |

Geoff Palmer takes over The Stone Cottage at 6 Tanswell Street and converts it into self-contained guest accommodation. The 1984 built English Cotswolds-style house sits behind a picket fence with roses and deciduous trees framing the cottage’s mellow stone walls. Geoff creates a second guest house on the property – The Barn – featuring a spiral staircase, with two bedrooms and large barn doors hinged from the windows.

2000 – Dec 29

With much excitement, a ‘Time Capsule’ – buried in the Beechworth Town Hall Gardens on Boxing Day 1967 – is unearthed by the Beechworth Lions Club in front of hundreds of Beechworth citizens. Buried 33 years ago by the Beechworth Lions Club and its President Brian Cousins, as part of the annual Beechworth Boxing Day Golden Horseshoes Festival, the exhumed time capsule has been unfortunately badly affected by moisture, with many of the 300 enclosed historical items damaged or destroyed. The items that remain mostly intact are returned to those who had placed them in the ‘Time Capsule’ 33 years earlier.

The ‘1967 Time Capsule’ includes a personally signed copy of Prime Minister Harold Holt’s Federal Election Speech dated November 9th 1967. Holt will tragically drown on December 17th in Portsea, just 9 days before the ‘Time Capsule’ is buried in Beechworth. Lions Club secretary Joy Mason oversees the burial of a new Time Capsule’ on the same day in 2000, containing around 280 local items, as well as a personal letter from the current Prime Minister John Howard in which he sends his “best wishes for the future of Beechworth” and a ‘a tip’ that by 2050 Australia could well be a Republic. The ‘2000 Capsule’ is due to be exhumed and opened on Boxing Day 2050. |

Pierre Masclef (from the Loire Valley in France) and his partner Helen McAlpin (who grew up in nearby Stanley) establish L’Oliveraie, a 24 hectare olive grove with over 2,700 trees on Greenwattle Road, 3km from Beechworth.

After debuting in Mount Buffalo in 1996, the annual Opera in the Alps event moves to Beechworth, performed in the grounds of the former asylum at Mayday Hills. The event runs over four days and includes a workshop for an 80-member opera chorus, culminating in a twilight concert, opened by former Deputy Prime Minister Tim Fischer, who acts as the event’s patron.

‘Opera in the Alps’ will become a regular autumn fixture in Beechworth over the coming years, moving to its new location at the Golf Course at ‘Baarmutha Park’. |
2001 – Mar

Beechworth Gold commissions local farrier Robert Bremner to create a pair of horseshoes from solid gold. Made in the courtyard of Beechworth Gold (the former 1861-built Bank of Victoria building), the golden horseshoes are shod onto the horse (below) that will lead the Easter 2001 Golden Horseshoes Parade (below). These golden horseshoes are now on permanent display at Beechworth Gold.


Bob Dunnett establishes Beechworth Berries at 46 Reid’s Way, Wooragee, about 6km from Beechworth. Dunnett is the son of a Warrandyte orchardist (who was the son of a fruit grower, who was the son of a fruit grower!). Specialising in premium grade strawberries, Beechworth Berries has over 30,000 plants and from the farm gate people can pick berries and other seasonal fruit themselves, learn more about the growing process and experience the farm’s stunning orchards.


New Zealand-born Anthony Flahive and Frances Coburn (whose parents live near Beechworth) purchase the recently renovated 1877 Black Springs Bakery for $785,000 from Rob Carr. The 10 acre property is located at 464 Wangaratta-Beechworth Road, about 5km from Beechworth. They make even more improvements to the cluster of old granite buildings and prepare it for luxury accommodation. They open a shop in the ivy covered old Bakery building selling luxury French toiletries, ceramics, linens and enamelware. In 2002 they will move that part of the business to 33 Ford Street in Beechworth and establish their first Frances Pilley store.

The Black Springs Bakery had once been at the centre of the small goldrush town of Black Springs which consisted of several hotels, a blacksmith and even a small state school. The Black Springs settlement is destroyed by a bushfire at the turn of the 20th century – except for the bakery – which continues supplying bread to the region until 1942. The bakery and its cluster of associated buildings – like the granite barn – are now the last remaining original buildings of the former settlement. |

The Beechworth Dragon Boat Club Inc. is founded by Kellie Jones and a group of experienced Dragon Boaters, who between them contain accreditations in coaching, sweeping and officiating. Training on Lake Sambell, the boat team races as the ‘Beechworth Golden Serpents’ with a club uniform of black and gold, bearing the logo of a Golden Serpent, with the motto ‘Racing for Gold’ written in Chinese.

After decades in business, the butcher shop at 61-63 Ford Street finally closes. Run for many years by Roy Hill, it is taken over by George Fendyk Snr in the 1950s, who eventually passes on the business to his son, George Joseph Fendyk Jnr, who has worked with his father at the shop for 23 years. He will be joined by Phillip Wilkinson and Brian Voight. Voight will later take over the business and run it until it closes. Peter and Fay Mim who have been running the small greengrocer next door (in one of the shops on the ground floor of the Star Hotel) since 1996 will move into the premises at 61-63 Ford Street and establish the Goldfields Greengrocer (below).


Brothers Heath and Dean Anders, who successfully took over the popular Bright Ice Creamery – which had been established in Bright in 1986 by Italian gelato master Mario who migrated from Tuscany – now establish Le Blanche Ice Creamery in the small shop at 14a Camp Street between The Finer Things of Life and the Brigadier Scottish Shop.
2001 – Sep

Beechworth’s Echoes of History is launched. By following the Echoes of History brochure and map from the Visitor Information Centre at the Town Hall, visitors can view a series of history pavement plaques around the town and learn about the town’s fascinating history. And, playing at the Beechworth Telegraph Office, are a series of new voice recordings which recreate some of Beechworth’s most famous and infamous identities giving their personal views on the development of their town.

2001 – Sep

For the second season in a row, the Beechworth Football Club – the Bombers – playing in the Ovens & King Football League – win the Premiership. Under the guidance of coach Michael Quirk, the Beechworth Bombers (above) defeat the team from North Wangaratta by 27 points. (Beechworth: 20 goals, 6 behinds – 126 points / North Wangaratta: 15 goals, 9 behinds – 99 points). The following year, the Bombers will make it to the Grand Final again, but will be defeated by the team from Moyhu.
The ‘Beechworth Football Club‘ will switch to playing in the ‘Tallangatta & District Football League‘ in 2004 and change their name to the ‘Beechworth Bushrangers‘ (see further entry in 2004). |
2001 – Oct

As the popularity of home computers continues to grow, Tony and Deanna Rowland take over the Chicken Shop at 8 Camp Street (on the corner of High Street and Camp Street) and open Computers @ Beechworth. (The Rowlands had established ‘Aladdin Computers’ in South Australia in 1995.) They will stay at this location until 2009 when they move their Computers @ Beechworth business to new premises at 40 Ford Street next to their D4Dogz pet shop, which they had opened in 2008.

This building was once the site of ‘Spencer’s Butchers’ in the 1930s across the road from the ‘Empire Hotel’ (on the right in the picture below) |

2002 – Jan

Nick and Lyn Henry open The Ardent Alpaca at 33-35 Camp Street. A ‘purveyor of fine alpaca apparel and yarn’, the large shop specialises in Australian alpaca garments and homewares. They will go on to open a second Ardent Alpaca store at The Como Centre in South Yarra.

The large 1903 building at 33-35 Camp Street is originally home to ‘Barlow’s Licenced Grocer’, before being divided in half, with the east section becoming ‘Roy Hill’s Butcher Shop’ in 1940, then later operating as a florist. The grocery store finally closes in the late 1970s, with the premises re-opening as a children’s clothing shop before becoming a toy and sports store. In 1980 Max and Heather Colebourne refresh the building as an art showroom and art supply business and from 1991 it operates as ‘Walker’s Antiques’, before Don Walker’s retirement in December 2001. |

Anthony Flahive and Frances Coburn – who own the old Black Springs Bakery – take over the shop at 33 Ford Street and establish their first Frances Pilley store, selling luxury French toiletries, linens, Polish ceramics, Austrian enamel, Syrian bath mitts, Greek olive-oil soap and Portuguese pots. They will also launch a second Frances Pilley store in Daylesford. The name Frances Pilley is a combination of Pilley Street in East St Kilda (where Anthony and Frances first met) and her first name. The Beechworth store operates from one of the two buildings that were previously part of the Buckland Fine Art Gallery (below), next door to the Salvation Army.


Stephen Tapsell, who runs Tapsell’s Books at 91 Ford Street in Beechworth, opens a second store at 77 Main Street in Rutherglen.

Seven kilometres from the centre of Beechworth, veterinary nurse Robyn Foa builds a series of dog boarding kennels on the former site of the ‘Three Mile Mine’. The following year Robyn and her team officially open Beechworth Boarding Kennels & Cattery (also known as Foa’s Ark) at 190 Library Road (above). Accredited with the Pet Industry Association of Australia (PIAA) Robyn also establishes a dog training group on the 6.8 acre property. The Beechworth Boarding Kennels & Cattery now features 23 dog kennels – each with individual outdoor dog runs (below) – as well as a 15.0m x 6.0mm cattery enclosure with 18 cubicles and a secure 36 sq. m. outdoor area for cats. A licensed wildlife shelter, a seasonal creek runs through the property which includes a delightful chestnut orchard as well as several paddocks where a range of farm animals graze.


After purchasing Beechworth’s old Oriental Bank building in 1997 and lovingly renovating the ‘Renaissance Palazzo’ style building at 97 Ford Street, Jim Didolis and Heidi Freeman (of the famous Freeman family of Beechworth) finally open Freeman on Ford, their luxury five-star ‘Bed & Breakfast’ accommodation. Two of their suites – the Crystal Suites – overlook the rear garden and pool (below) with direct veranda access.
The building, originally constructed for the Beechworth branch of the ‘Oriental Bank’ in 1876 by prominent Melbourne architect Leonard Terry, it becomes the home of the ‘Brigidine Convent & Boarding School’ in 1886, then in 1906 it is taken over as Beechworth’s ‘State Saving Bank of Victoria’ branch until 1988, then it is converted into a private residence. |


Jodie Robinson and Steven Goldsworthy open Beechworth Honey on the corner of Ford and Church Streets in the building which had been the home of the popular Buckland Gallery for the previous 19 years. It produces and stocks over 30 honey varietals.
Jodie Robinson is one of a long line of Robinson beekeepers in Beechworth, starting with her great-grandfather Benjamin Robin who is born in Beechworth in the 1880s and establishes a small beekeeping business in his 20s. Benjamin’s sons William and Clive Robinson will expand their father’s operations into a fully-fledged business. Alan Robinson (Jodie’s father) and his brother Keith will also become commercial beekeepers following in their father Clive’s footsteps. |


The Beechworth Theatre Company stages a production of Oscar Wilde’s classic 1895 play “The Importance of Being Earnest”. The ‘trivial comedy for serious people’ is directed by Wendy Stephens and performed at the Beechworth Town Hall.
2002 – Aug

After graduating from Monash University with a Bachelor of Pharmacy in 1997, Ruth Diedre Parker joins Simon and Wendy Kelly at their Beechworth Pharmacy at 82 Ford Street (below). 27-year-old Parker also has a Graduate Certificate in Applied Mindfulness and, being a qualified Consultant Pharmacist, she is able to visit clients in their home environment and form close and more personal connections.

When the partnership between the Kellys and Parker is dissolved in July 2011, Parker becomes the sole proprietor of the Beechworth Pharmacy business. |
2002 – Sep 13

The ‘Murray to Mountains Rail Trail’ is officially opened at the ‘Reedy Creek Bridge Bike Path’ on this Friday morning at 10.30am, followed by another official event at midday on the trail at Everton, marking the opening of the section of the walking and cycling trail from Wangaratta to Beechworth which follows the former North-Eastern Railway lines. Construction of the trail had begun in Bright in 1993. The three sections of the ‘Murray to Mountains Rail Trail’ – the ‘Mountain’ section: Wangaratta to Bright and Beechworth (97km); the ‘Murray’ section: Rutherglen to Wahgunyah (9km); and the ‘Herirtage‘ section: Wangaratta to Oxley (9km) – is the longest sealed ‘Grade 3’ rail trail in Australia – 116 km – and takes up to 7 days to complete on foot. The final 32.7 km ‘Beechworth to Yackandandah’ section of the rail trail will be officially opened in August 2024.

Most of Victoria’s country railway lines have their rails and sleepers removed shortly after they are closed, and all the railway land in Victoria (where the tracks used to travel) remain under the ownership of ‘Victrack’ – a government corporation – and they are responsible for allowing ‘Australian Rails to Trails’ (now called ‘Rail Trails Australia’) to begin the creation of the ‘Murray to Mountains Rail Trail’. |
2002 – Oct

Ian Smith establishes Beechworth Classic Apparel, a specialist women’s clothing boutique at 71 Ford Street.
2002 – Nov

The Lake Labyrinth is installed in the Woodland Glades area at the Lake Sambell Reserve (McConville Avenue, behind the Sandy Beach). It is designed by artists Donna Page and Chris Dormer as part of the Victorian Government’s Creative Village Project and built by Derek Isles, Darryl Higgins and David & John Sharp from rocks of local granite. The Lake Labyrinth design is based on the circular form of the Cretan Labyrinth and features a classical seven-circuit design, 15 metres in diameter. The ancient symbol of the Labyrinth has been used over millennia as a meditation tool to foster mindfulness and well-being through a guided concentric walk.

“The seven circuits of the Cretan Labyrinth correspond with the seven spheres of the sacred planets and the seven principles of the human being and the cosmos. Passing to the centre of the Labyrinth and returning to its circumference represents the involution and evolution of the universe, the coming into birth and the passing out of earthly life of an individual” – John Algeo, American Theosophical Society’s Quest Magazine. |
2003 – Jan 8

‘The Alpine Bushfire’. On a day of ‘Total Fire Ban’, lightning ignites 87 fires in the North-East Victoria and East Gippsland regions. Eight of the fires are unable to be contained and they join together to form the largest fire in Victoria since the Black Friday fires in 1939. By the time ‘The Alpine Bushfire’ is quelled 60 days later (with rain finally falling in late February), the blaze has burned 1.3 million hectares, and threatened towns including Bright, Mitta Mitta, Benambra, Omeo, Buchan, and Swifts Creek. The majority of the area burnt in Victoria is public land – 1.19 million hectares of parks and forests, including 60 per cent of the Alpine National Park and 81 per cent of the Mt Buffalo National Park – with approximately 90,000 hectares of private land burnt. A total of 41 homes in Victoria are destroyed by the fire while, fortunately, no lives are lost.

A direct result of the ‘Alpine Bushfire’ is the cancellation of the annual January ‘Opera in the Alps’ event in Beechworth. |
2003 – Jan 13

After many years working in the caravan industry, John Rollins establishes Beechworth Canvas in the factory space at the rear of 21 Crawford Street in Beechworth’s ‘Industrial Estate’. In 2008, when Beechworth Tyre Service closes its business in the front section of the complex, Rollins moves his Beechworth Canvas office and showroom into the space (above). Beechworth Canvas specialises in custom-built caravan annexes and awnings, ute campers, trailer covers, verandah awnings, tents and assorted camping accessories.

2003 – Feb 15

A pair of Chinese Lion statues are unveiled at the entrance to the Beechworth Chinese Gardens. The official unveiling is carried out by Elaine Franks, a direct descendant of the Quonoey Family.


Garry and Jackie McVea and their daughter Kerrie Lawrence and her husband Vaughn Lawrence move to Beechworth from Melbourne to take over the historic Beechworth Newsagency (NewsExpress) at 26-28 Camp Street, next door to the Beechworth Emporium. The McVea’s are soon joined by Garry and Jackie’s son Ian McVea and his wife Tracy.

When the McVea’s take over the ‘Beechworth Newsagency’ in 2003 the building is owned by Jim McCormack. After successfully running the business for 18 years, in July 2021 McCormack will sell it to the McVea family who now fully own the important Beechworth business. In January 2021, Tracy McVea will be appointed Captain of the CFA Beechworth urban fire unit. |

Beechworth Wine Estates is established by John & Jo Iwanuch. Located at 1287 Diffey Road, it is just a few metres from the site of the old Baarmutha Railway Stop on the former Everton to Beechworth railway line (now the Everton-Beechworth Rail Trail).


Mick and Jo Westra take over Beechworth Plumbing Plus at 3 Harper Avenue. Established by Ian and Sharon Vincent in 1972 (in Stanley), the Vincents eventually move their plumbing business to Beechworth and construct the purpose-built shop and warehouse on Harper Avenue (above) in the 1980s.
The site on Harper Avenue once housed a Beechworth coffin maker, with the old weatherboard and fibro building later serving as the workshop of mechanic Darryl Higgins for many years. |
2003 – Jul

The Masonry Blades – a permanent sculpture by Wilson Hurry and Associates – is unveiled in the Woodland Glades area of the Lake Sambell Reserve. It represents a stylised interpretation of aspects of Beechworth’s heritage, the colours of the natural surroundings and buildings … with an acknowledgement to Ned Kelly’s armour and helmet.
2003 – Jul 13

Ross ‘Brooksy’ Brooks establishes Beechworth Tyre Service at 21 Crawford Street in Beechworth’s ‘Industrial Estate’ (above).
2003 – Jul 27

To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the naming of Beechworth, the first Kerferd Oration is held in the George Briscoe Kerferd Conference Centre at La Trobe University’s Mayday Hill Beechworth Campus. It is now an annual, free community event. Named in honour of George Briscoe Kerferd (1831-1889), the Beechworth community leader, the 10th Premier of Victoria (1874-1875) and a Judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria, the Kerferd Oration brings an eminent speaker to Indigo Shire to foster discussion and promote active citizenship in the community.
The first speaker, in 2003, is John Harber Phillips AC, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, who presents a talk on “the North-Eastern Victoria Republic Movement: Myth or Reality? A criminal lawyer’s dissection of the evidence associated with the mission of Ned Kelly”. |
Other speakers at the Kerferd Oration since 2003 have included – Cathy McGowan A.O.; actress Ailsa Piper; Senator Malarndirri McCarthy; Barry Irvin A.M.; Hugh Mackay A.O.; Dr Simon Longstaff A.O.; Bernie Geary O.A.M.; the Honourable Tim Fischer A.C.; the Honourable Justice David Harper; The Reverend Tim Costello A.O.; Barbara Holborow O.A.M.; Professor Tim Flannery; and journalist Barrie Cassidy. |

Ian and Robyn Fetherstonhaugh establish The Beechworth Pantry, a gourmet delicatessen serving breakfasts, lunches, coffees and cakes, at 77 Ford Street. Over the next 19 years it will become a Beechworth institution, both for locals and visitors alike.

The building which houses ‘The Beechworth Pantry’ is constructed in 2000, on the site of a laneway that ran beside the supermarket. Before the ‘Pantry’, it is has been home to a Fish and Chip Shop, an Antiques Store, a Chicken Shop and, originally, ‘Beechworth Toys and Collectables’, now located at 51 Ford Street. |
2003 – Aug

The inaugural ‘Ned Kelly Weekend’ is held in Beechworth to commemorate the 123rd anniversary of Ned Kelly’s committal hearing at the Beechworth Courthouse in August 1880 (below). The weekend includes a detailed re-enactment of the famous committal hearing held, once again, at the Beechworth Courthouse. Organised by the Beechworth Historic Re-Enactment Group (BHRG) and coordinated by the Indigo Shire, over the next decade the ‘Ned Kelly Weekend’ will grow and attract thousands of visitors to Beechworth every August to witness an expanded series of re-enactments, guest speakers, and other historic activities including firearms displays, ‘sly grog shop’ raids, public arrests, and even ‘gold nugget hunts’.

2003 – Sep

Specialist cabinet maker and kitchen designer, Dirk Borleis establishes Borleis Kitchens at the rear 40 Mellish Street in the large workshop owned by Mick Breen behind his Beechworth Gas business. As the business expands, he moves to a larger factory at 26-28 Diffey Road in 2008. Borleis Kitchens custom build kitchens, laundries, vanities, shop cabinetry and beautifully hand-crafted furniture.

2004 – Mar

When they join the T&DL, the Beechworth ‘Bombers’ have to choose a new nickname and new jumper style, because Dederang-Mt Beauty also wear red and black and are known as the ‘Bombers’. So, after a vote, the Beechworth Football Club’s new nickname becomes ‘The Bushrangers’ and they will now wear Red and Royal Blue vertically striped jumpers. |

Having purchased the Star Hotel building on Ford Street from Keith and Dorothy Graham in 2002, new owner Heidi Freeman begins extensive conservation work on the iconic 1864 two-storey building. The chimneys are all fully restored, the fascia, gutters, rainheads, downpipes are all replaced, and repointing is completed. Major drainage improvements are carried out, including the installation of an extra stormwater pit.


Rocco Esposito and Lisa Pidutti establish Warden’s Food and Wine at the former 1869 Warden’s Hotel building at 32 Ford Street.
2004 – Oct

Indigo Shire Council lodges its opposition to poker machines in Beechworth with the state’s gambling authority. This follows a man connected with Beechworth’s ‘Commercial Hotel’ applying for a gaming licence from the ‘Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation’. Mayor Bill Hotson states “Poker machines would damage Beechworth’s economy and drive away tourists”.

In August 2105, the Indigo Shire Council, following the initiative of councillor Don Chambers, becomes a member of the ‘Alliance for Gambling Reform’. Always opposed to poker and gaming machines, the shire – which covers Beechworth, Rutherglen, Chiltern, Yackandandah and Tangambalanga – is the only North-East council area with no gaming venues. |
2004 – Nov

African Heritage opens at 83 Ford Street, selling a range of traditional East African artefacts, fabrics, craft supplies, exotic jewellery and gifts.
2004 – Dec

8 kilometres from Beechworth, French chef Michel Renoux opens The Galloping Goat at 22-44 Stanley Road. Set on 5 acres, the restaurant and function centre, with French-inspired décor, features open fireplaces in two dining rooms with seating for 70 diners, with a north-facing outdoor deck for a further 30 guests.

Originally from the small village of Saint-Sulpice-la-Foret in the heart of Brittany’s cider country, Michel Renoux arrives in Australia in the early 1970s and moves to the North-East of Victoria in 1981 with his wife Heather. |
2004 – Dec 20

After 140 years in operation, Beechworth Gaol (H.M. Integration Prison Beechworth) finally closes and is decommissioned. Prisoners are transferred to the newly built Correctional Centre (see next entry).
2005 – Jan

Beechworth Correctional Centre, a modern minimum-security prison, is opened as a replacement for the old bluestone HM Prison Beechworth. Unlike the old Beechworth Gaol which is located at the northern end Beechworth just 500 metres from the centre of town, the Beechworth Correctional Centre is located 4 km away from the town centre at the southern end of Beechworth, further along from the old Zwar’s Tannery on Malakoff Road. The new Correctional Centre has an operational capacity of 120 male prisoners, mainly those either serving short sentences or are at the end of longer sentences and being prepared for release.


Following an extensive building program by Beechworth Health Service, residential aged care, acute hospital beds and community health are all relocated to Beechworth Hospital on Sydney Road.

The decommissioned Beechworth Gaol is sold by Corrections Victoria to Sam Lawson’s Melbourne company Salmore Developments for $1.7 million. Lawson initially displeases some Beechworth locals and history purists when he announces his plans to redevelop the buildings and create new housing, restaurants, shopping precinct and hotel accommodation. Instead, he will establish Beechworth Gaol Unlocked, which lead both historical and ghost tours throughout the buildings, before deciding to put the Gaol up for auction in 2015.


The historic 1868-built Hibernian Hotel on the corner of Camp and Loch Streets undergoes extensive renovations, modernising the pub, bistro, function rooms and accommodation facilities and, in 2009, brand new Hibernian Apartments are added next door (pictured below).

2005 – Apr 30-May 1

Beechworth’s ‘Drive Back In Time’ weekend returns for another year. The popular annual event – run by The Beechworth Old Cranks Motor Club Inc since 1998 – invites car enthusiasts to come to Beechworth with their vehicles – which must be 25 years or older – vintage, veteran, classic, and modified cars, along with classic trucks, tractors, buses and motorcycles.

The North East Boxing Gym opens at the La Trobe University campus at Mayday Hills. Run by boxer John ‘Long John’ McCubbin, the gym aims to promote responsibility and discipline through sports training, with McCubbin working closely with the local Police to offer training to disadvantaged youth in the area, as an alternative to the court system.
After running the ‘Northside Boxing Gym’ in Preston in Melbourne for 15 years, ‘Long John’ and his partner Bedelia, better known as Biddy, relocate to Beechworth to manage four cabins they’ve built on their property and to “sit back and relax”. His new Beechworth Gym will go on to produce a number of local title holders with one winning regional, state and national titles. Sadly, the ‘North East Boxing Gym’ will close at Mayday Hills in 2013. |
2005 – Jun 7

Young married couple Ben and Maria Kraus establish Bridge Road Brewers, opening their first microbrewery in Ben’s father Josef’s shed on Bridge Road in Beechworth. It features a 10-hectolitre brewing plant and bottling line, along with a little bar and tasting room … all crammed into the small building. But Bridge Road Brewers will soon grow …


After a big storm rips through the nearby Stanley area, with hail damaging apple crops and taking a toll on local apple producers, Ben Clifton from the Amulet Vineyard – on the Beechworth-Wangaratta Road – decides to turn Amulet’s skills into making alcoholic apple cider with Stanley’s hail damaged apples. (Because the apples are marked due to hail, they are unacceptable for sale in local shops and supermarkets.) So, Amulet Vineyards also turns to successfully selling Cider.


Robert Breen retires from Breen Brothers Motors at the Ampol Service Station at 2-4 High Street and the business is taken over by his son, Andrew Breen.
When Trevor Breen (no relation to the Breen Brothers) starts operating ‘Breen’s Couriers’ in Beechworth, the name causes some confusion, so when Bob Breen retires, Andrew Breen takes the opportunity to rename ‘Breen Brothers Motors’ to ‘Highbridge Motors’ – coming up with the new name as the business stands on the corner of Bridge and High Streets. |

The North-East Region Water Authority upgrades Beechworth’s Water Treatment Plant and converts it to a Dissolved Air Flotation and Filtration Plant, at a cost of $2.3 million, taking Beechworth’s water capacity to 10 megalitres per day.

The ‘Beechworth Water Treatment Plant’ dates from the late 1800s. ‘Kiewa Murray Water’ upgrades the plant between 1992 and 1995, at a cost of $1 million, with a further major upgrade during the 2001-2002 financial year. |

Dianne Van Dorssen establishes Divine Linen at 79 Ford Street before moving to Shop 3, 59 Ford Street, on the ground floor of the old Star Hotel. Di’s shop specialises in homewares and fine linens including Vivian Grace, Bianca Lorenne and Bemboka. The store will later be owned and operated by Christine Endres. After serving Beechworth for 19 years, Divine Linen will close in 2024.

Peter Rue adds a balcony above his Beechworth Laundromatt at 55 Ford Street. The two-storey building had been constructed for George Gammon in 1865 and operated for many years as Gammon’s Medical Hall (until 1896) then as William Bowen’s Chemist shop (below) until 1916 – but had never had a balcony on the first floor. With the new balcony added, Peter Rue is able to make the first floor two-bedroom apartment available as one of Beechworth’s most central and popular B&B accommodation locations.


The Ovens and Murray Hospital for the Aged on Warner Road closes. Established in 1863 as the Beechworth Benevolent Asylum, it features an unusual Flemish façade and features two large dormitories and other small rooms and buildings. It became known as the Ovens Benevolent Home in 1935 with the name changed again in 1954 to the Ovens and Murray Home then finally, in 1974, to the Ovens and Murray Hospital for the Aged.

The Beechworth Football Club amalgamate with the Beechworth Netball Club and is now known as Beechworth Football & Netball Club Inc.
2006 – Apr 7-9

The Beechworth Theatre Company stages the French farce “Chase Me Up Farndale Avenue, S’il Vous Plaît!”. Featuring cabaret-style seating at evening performances with drinks and nibbles, the production is staged at the Memorial Hall and directed by Wendy Stephens. The play proves very popular and Wendy will later direct a follow-up play for the Beechworth Theatre Company – “We Found Love and an Exquisite Set of Porcelain Figures Aboard the SS Farndale”.

John and Lisa Furlong purchase the site at 56 High Street where the 1862-built Imperial Hotel once stood. Closed as a hotel in 1910 and finally demolished in 1966, the land is empty except for the small one bedroom, one bathroom Pickett Cottage at the front of the property, which the Furlongs retain. They then move an 1895 two-storey house from Berwick on to the land, which they divide into two, naming the upstairs section Kelly House and the ground floor Wright House. Over the next two years they restore the buildings using recycled timbers including Baltic pine while sourcing old locks and handles befitting of the era for the buildings’ doors and, in mid-2008, start offering them as holiday accommodation. The Furlongs quickly realise the historical significance of the Imperial Hotel as the location of the infamous Ned Kelly ‘Fight’ (see below), confirming it with the help of Ned Kelly expert Ian Jones and Beechworth’s Burke Museum.
The Imperial Hotel had been the site of the infamous bare-knuckle fight between 19-year-old Ned Kelly and 25-year-old Isaiah ‘Wild’ Wright on August 4, 1874. The fight, which takes place at the rear of the hotel beside the creek, lasts for a brutal 20 rounds before Kyoung Ned is declared the winner and becomes the unofficial boxing champion of the district. |

2006 – Jun

The Beechworth Newsagency is awarded the Australian Newsagency Federation National Award for Excellence, the highest award attainable in their business. Owner and managing director Vaughan Lawrence and his wife Kerrie accept the award at a dinner and conference on Hamilton Island on behalf of themselves and co-owners Garry & Jackie McVea and Ian & Tracey McVea. They had recently spent $200,000 on a complete refit of the historic shop (below), including the installation of split system air conditioning, for the 680,000 tourists and 3,000 Beechworth residents they serve annually.


Qualified electrician Stewart Pearce establishes his JS Pearce Electrical Services business. Based at 165 Lawrie Road, but always mobile around Beechworth, Stewart has over 25 years’ experience in electrical repairs, maintenance and installations – including television antenna system design, repair and installation and phone wiring installation and repairs – having worked in the electrical service industry for both large and small companies in Melbourne and is accredited with the Clean Energy Council of Australia for the design and installation of solar electricity systems.
Heavily involved in local cricket, Stewart Pearce becomes a member of the ‘Beechworth Wanderers Cricket Club’ in 2015; coaches Beechworth; wins two cricket premierships for Beechworth; two premierships for Bright (including one where he captained the cricket team); and is named senior coach of the ‘Wodonga Raiders Cricket Club’ in 2021. Stewart had previously played District Cricket in Melbourne where he was part of three premiership-winning teams at the ‘Collingwood Cricket Club’. |


After leaving McKenzie-McHarg, Bailey & Halliday solicitors at 22 Camp Street, Brendan Gerald Halliday establishes his own legal practice – Halliday Solicitors – at 9a Bridge Road (below right), site of the original 1855 Mackenzie Family Store on Newtown Hill. He will later move his chambers to High Street.

As well as his respected legal work in Beechworth, Brendan was also a star player with the Beechworth ‘Bombers’ Football Club and served as their President in the early 1990s. He was a key figure behind the football club moving from the ‘Ovens and King Football Association’ (OKFA) to the ‘Tallangatta and District Football League’ (T&DL) in 2004 (when they changed their nickname to ‘The Beechworth Bushrangers’) and aligning the Beechworth Football Club with the Beechworth Netball Club. Sadly, after being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease, Brendan will pass away in July 2015. |

Libby Schirmer opens her boutique clothing store Rebus at 3/59 Ford Street. Specialising in hand-printed textiles and handmade jewellery, Libby moves her store in 2018 to its current location at 53 Ford Street, next door to Beechworth Toys and Collectables in a building constructed in 1889.
A ‘Rebus’ is a puzzle in which words are represented by combinations of pictures and words. |

Quickly outgrowing its original location on Bridge Road, Ben and Maria Kraus move their Bridge Road Brewers into the 150-year-old Old Coach House and Stables in Brewers Lane off Ford Street (behind Tanswell’s Commercial Hotel) and now employ 40 staff (predominantly in Beechworth). Bridge Road Brewers features a 340-seat taproom, pizzeria, and a 25-hectolitre brewhouse (below), making various craft beers which they also export internationally.


Vinny and Sharon Webb (below) establish Baarmutha Wines, planting grapevines at 1184 Diffey Road, Baarmutha, 6.5km from Beechworth.


The Beechworth Montessori School (operating as the Beechworth Montessori Children’s Group since 1997) opens a full primary school for 6-12 year olds at 42 Gilchrist Avenue, enabling children to complete their early childhood and primary school learning within the Montessori educational philosophy.

2007 – Feb

With experience in hospitality – running restaurants and a hotel – Tony and Carmelina Iaria and their two sons purchase High Grove Berries at 227 Mt. Stanley Road in Stanley to expand their family farming enterprise. The 40-hectare Stanley orchard features almost a hundred rows of trellised berry canes growing in the sub-alpine Stanley climate, including raspberries, blackberries (American brambleberries), blueberries, thornless blackberries, boysenberries, blackcurrants, cherries, redcurrants, waldoberries, as well as the tayberry (a blackberry-raspberry cross). The Iaria family have a background in horticulture and agriculture and retain their farming property in Mount Beauty where they run beef cattle, grow lucerne and have a small-scale chestnut operation.


Chef and wine connoisseur Allan Parker purchases the popular Gigi’s of Beechworth Bar and Bistro at 69 Ford Street from Luigi ‘Gigi’ Cipolato who established the popular business in 1995. Parker’s background includes his work at restaurants including Ricky Ricardo’s and Saltwater in Noosa. Parker invites Andrew Roscouet to Beechworth to work as Gigi’s Head Chef. Born and raised in Jersery, Roscouet has worked at some of the UK’s most prestigious establishments including Gleneagles in Scotland, The Savoy Grill and The Berkley.
Whilst working at the Albert Roux Icon restaurant ‘Cafe Roux’ in Amsterdam, Andrew Roscouet was invited to Australia by Chef Raymond Capaldi to work at ‘Le Restaurant’ at the ‘Sofitel’ which, at the time, was the only 3 chef-hatted hotel restaurant in Australia. He also was also a chef at North Fitzroy’s ‘Matteos’ before running his own business, ‘Bistro 1404’. |
2007 – Mar 6

After almost 2 years of construction and a cost of $524 million, the new 17.4 km Albury-Wodonga Bypass opens to traffic, linking the Hume Freeway (from the Lincoln Causeway) at Wodonga with the Hume Highway at Ettamogah, north of Albury. It is the single largest infrastructure project to be undertaken in Victoria. It includes twin bridges – built by Fitzgerald Constructions – over the Murray River which are named ‘The Spirit of Progress Bridges’ in recognition of the former train service that ran between Melbourne and Albury from November 1937 until April 1962, and then through to Sydney until August 2nd 1986.

The 2.6 km Victorian section of the ‘Hume Freeway’ extension is the final link in the ‘Hume Freeway Duplication’ from Melbourne to the Victorian/New South Wales border. |


Stephen Tapsell, who has been running his two Tapsell’s Books businessesat 91 Ford Street in Beechworth (established 1993) and at 77 Main Street in Rutherglen (established 2002), decides to close his Beechworth shop (which has been running out of space) and moves his vast collection of books, music and other paraphernalia to his rapidly growing Rutherglen store (above) which still operates today.


St Joseph’s Primary School at 6 Priory Lane celebrates its 150th anniversary in Beechworth, the first school having opened near the same site in a wooden building in 1857 next to St. Joseph’s Catholic Church (below).

2007 – Jun

Matt Pfahlert and Gina Bladon move an 1860 timber cattlemen’s hut – piece by piece – from near Taggerty (200 km from Beechworth) to their property at Beechworth where, between 2004 and 2007 – with the help of carpenter Mark White – they painstakingly reassemble and fit it out, then open it as 1860 Luxury Accommodation at 4 Surrey Lane.
Originally built by a timber feller as rough slab hut in Emerald (54km from Melbourne) in 1860, it was called ‘Rotherwood’. It is moved to Taggerty, in the late 70’s before being purchased in 2004. It then sits in numbered pieces in Pfahlert and Bladon’s Beechworth backyard as four years are spent reconstructing a number of other old buildings for recycled roofing iron, upright posts and hardwood flooring, before it is put back together again. The Jarrah floorboards are from an old Army training barracks, the mantel piece is an old railway sleeper and the fireplace plinth is made from the window sills from an old Beechworth pub! |

2008 – Mar

Katrina Witherow opens Dalcheri Natural Fibres at 47 Ford Street, a high-end natural fibre and ethically-sourced clothing concept store specialising in Possum and Merino garments made in New Zealand. Stocking a wide range of mens and womens knitwear and fashions featuring superior natural fibres such as wool, hemp, linen, wood fibre, cashmere, silk, and recycled fibres, Dalcheri also sells various clothing accessories (below). Since opening her shop, Katrina has become an active member of the Beechworth and District Chamber of Commerce.


The Bank Restaurant and Mews – which operates from the former Bank of Australasia building at 86 Ford Street – closes for business.


Former Sydneysider Natasha Davis opens Larder at 14a Camp Street. The Fromagerie & Provisions shop stocks a range of cheeses – including Victoria’s Locheilan farmhouse cheese – along with specialties like sweet hand-stretched buffalo mozzarella from Shaw River, and a range of chocolates.

The Beechworth Theatre Company stages a special production of “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe” – based on the 1950 novel by C.S. Lewis – at the old Bijou Theatre (below), located within the former Mayday Hills Asylum.


Tony and Deanna Rowland open D4Dogz at 40 Ford Street. The Rowlands describe their business as ‘a boutique store for humans who love their dogs’. The shop will operate for a number of years before becoming an on-line business.


Rocco Esposito and his partner Lisa Pidutti are the winners of the The Age ‘Good Food Guide’ annual Wine Service Award. Along with their chef Douglas Elder, they operate Warden’s Food and Wine at the former 1869 Warden’s Hotel building at 32 Ford Street.

2008 – Oct

Beechworth Football Club ‘Best and Fairest’ winner and 200-game player Shaun ‘Shaggy’ Pritchard is appointed to coach the club in 2009, taking over from Ian Romeril who stands down from the coaching role after two years at the helm. 33-year-old ‘Shaggy’ will leadthe ‘Beechworth Bushrangers’ to a premiership victory in 2010, their first Grand Final win since 2001.
2008 – Dec 6

The Beechworth Community Book Store is established in the former Methodist Church Hall on the corner of Ford and Church Streets. Selling a vast range of secondhand books, it is a non-profit venture which benefits the community through the activities of the Beechworth Neighbourhood Centre. All books and other associated items (below) are donated by the community and the shop is staffed by volunteers.

2009 – Feb 7

Black Saturday Bushfires. As temperatures soar to a peak of 46.7 degrees, a number of bushfires begin in the late afternoon in Victoria, including the Beechworth-Mudgegonga area. The various fires will not be fully contained until February 16. Across the state, 173 people die, and another 414 are injured. More than 2,000 houses are destroyed, with various farm sheds, equipment and stock destroyed. Overall, the fire burns 33,577 hectares, including about 23,000 hectares of state park.
One fire starts south of Beechworth near the Library Road intersection on February 7th at about 6pm, while 24km from Beechworth, on the Myrtleford-Yackandandah Road, a firestorm races over the hill from Murmungee into Mudgegonga (see map below) at around midnight and John and Sue Wilson lose their lives after the firefighting water pump designed to protect their home fails in the intense heat. |


French chef Michel Renoux takes over Beechworth Fish & Chips at 68 Ford Street and relaunches it as the Ageing Frog’s Fish Bar and Deli.

In June 2012 Renoux will sell ‘The Ageing Frog Fish Bar & Deli’ to his former apprentice chef Robert ‘Bob’ Langmead and his partner Shannon Smith. |

Paul Dahlenburg takes over the ailing vineyard on Eldorado Road, once owned by Dulcie Brack, a former Mayor of Benalla. The original vine rootlings had been transported from France and planted on the property – 18km from Beechworth – back in 1890. The Eldorado Road vineyard hasn’t been in proper commercial production for much of the last 30 years and has become neglected. Paul begins work on restoring one section of the vines at a time, isolating the ones he knows are the oldest. As well as the grapes – mostly dry grown Shiraz and some Trebbiano – the large property also features almond trees, peach, pear and apricot trees, orange and lemon trees, along with mulberries, black figs, nectarines and walnuts. Paul will eventually plant new Chardonnay, Syrah (Shiraz) and Durif vines and pioneer Italian varietals Nero d’Avola and Fiano.
By 2010 Paul, his partner Lauretta ‘Laurie’ Schulz and their four children have retrieved one tonne of grapes from their first vintage, and roughly two tonnes from the 2012 vintage. In 2015 Paul and Laurie will open their ‘Eldorado Road Cellar Door & Cantina’ at 44 Ford Street in Beechworth as an outlet for their products. |

Whorouly-born Mark Primerano establishes Primma Electrical, with the electrician and electrical contractor setting up his base in Forrest Lane in Beechworth. Mark had completed his apprenticeship with Jack Pund in Beechworth in 2004 before working alongside Jack at his ‘J&P Electrical’ company. Raising his young family in Beechworth, Mark continues to be one of the town’s most in-demand electricians.

2009 – Jun 29

Ian Desmond McGuffie passes away at the age of 85. A Charter Member of the Beechworth Lions Club, Ian had run his McGuffie Electrical Store – originally on Camp Street in the 1950s and later at 51 Ford Street – for many years, supplying Beechworth locals with radios, televisions and other electrical appliances.
The building at 51 Ford Street where the ‘McGuffie Electrical Store’ operated had been built in 1889 when its first business is John Armstrong’s ‘Cheapside House’ drapery store. |

Jack Nelson establishes Beechworth Massage & Myotherapy at Shop 3 in the Marion Arcade, 74 Ford Street. Nelson is qualified in Myotherapy and is a respected stretch therapist, skilled in helping people overcome pain and discomfort. He is soon joined by Rebecca ‘Bec’ Farren, a Myotherapist and an experienced Bowen Therapy Practitioner. In December 2020, when they outgrow their small space, they move to Boiler House Lane (behind the Montessori School) and change their name to Balance Beechworth.
The ‘Marion Arcade’ is originally known as ‘Criterion Lane’ after the ‘Criterion Hotel (1854-1877) which stood on High Street, with the lane running between Ford Street and High Street. The busy laneway will later be renamed ‘Warren Lane’ in honour of Richard ‘Little Dick’ Warren (adopted son of newspaper proprietor Richard Albert Warren) who runs the popular Newsagent and Tobacconists shop at 74 Ford Street – on the corner of the laneway – from 1910 until his death at the age of 90 in 1950. In the 1980s the laneway will be partly roofed and renamed the ‘Marion Arcade’. Some of the tenants in the ‘Marion Arcade’ have included ‘The Growing Suitcase’, ‘Definition & Style Hair Studio’ and ‘Beechworth Scrapbooking’ (below). |


24-year-old engineer Gamila MacRury purchases 12-acres of farm land at 275 Fighting Gully Road at Beechworth and decides to plant an unusual crop for the area – saffron. Gamila at Beechworth is born. By 2013 Gamila has added olives (which take 6 years to start fruiting and 10 years to mature) to her farm and eventually starts producing healthy table olives, olive leaf tea, lemon myrtle & saffron olives, and bay, pepper and coriander olives, along with her steady and popular output of saffron extract.

The saffron flower blooms for only one week a year, and each individual flower produces three stamens which Gamila then picks off by hand and dries. About 150,000 flowers are required for 1 kilogram of Saffron! After picking in autumn, the saffron is aged for 6 months and then sealed in air-tight sachets, with each sachet containing 6-9 strands – enough for a dish to feed approximately four. |

Husband and wife team – chef Michael Ryan and Jeanette Henderson – who established their first restaurant – Range – in Myrtleford in 2005 (‘Country Restaurant of the Year’ in the Age Good Food Guide), move to Beechworth to open Provenance, their new restaurant in the grand old Bank of Australasia at 86 Ford Street. Ryan’s menu at Provenance has a strong Japanese influence, combining two cultures (along with Italian and French), a veritable antithesis to the notion of gastronomic ‘con-fusion’.

The bank’s original vault now houses the restaurant’s wine cellar, while the stables at the rear of the bank have been turned into luxury accommodation, while the former bank manager’s residence on the second floor has also been refitted as accommodation. |
2009 – Aug

After the ‘Black Saturday’ bushfires in February destroy their Rendezvous Cottages in Marysville, Rod Greenaway and his partner Barry Hlavac move to Beechworth where they purchase Barnsley House for $500,000. The popular Bed & Breakfast at 5 John Street had been built by Robert Barnes in 1859 and lovingly restored by Kelvin Clark and Terese Adams in 1987.
2009 – Oct

Robert Cowell – owner of Ford Street’s The Growing Suitcase shop – begins planting his new French-inspired ‘town garden’ on his large property at 14 Fletcher Road (which had originally been part of Donald Fletcher’s vast 1875 Beechworth estate on Fletcher’s Hill).With a strong grid design, Robert plants ornamental pear, clipped box and magnolia, later adding iris, tulips and geraniums.

Robert’s Beechworth shop ‘The Growing Suitcase’, in the Marion Arcade at 74 Ford Street (pictured below), features a wall covered in a distinctive golden bee wallpaper. Cowell sells a range of French wares, including Parisian lampshades, Diptyque candles, elegant paperweights, French linens and chandeliers and is one of only 20 shops worldwide that stock high-end ‘Le Prince Jardinier’ gardening and homeware products. |

2009 – Oct

Janelle ‘Nelly’ Molyneux opens Nelly’s Niche home decor, gift shop and DVD hire shop at the former site of Tapsell’s Books and, before that, Parkinson’s Garage, at 93 Ford Street. Her husband Mike Molyneux operates Mike’s Beechworth Bazaar at 58 Ford Street.


Marcus O’Connor and Kristy Neville take over Beechworth Accounting and Financial Services at 47 High Street.
In September 2022 O’Connor leaves to establish ‘Beechworth Financial Services’ at 35 Camp Street, while Neville continues to run ‘Beechworth Accounting’ at 47 High Street. |
2009 – Nov 11

After operating from the former Beechworth Railway Station since 1987, the Beechworth Community Child Care Centre is officially opened at its new premises on Albert Road within the Mayday Hills precinct. It also serves as the new home of the Beechworth Kindergarten.
2010 – Jan

Lieutenant Pauline Middleton arrives in Beechworth to become the Corps Officer at The Salvation Army. She became a soldier in 1990 and is accepted into The Salvation Army Officer Training College in Melbourne in 2007, graduating at the end of 2008. As well as running the Beechworth Corps (church) and its associated services, Lieutenant Middleton also visits local aged care facilities to encourage residents, and becomes a chaplain at the Beechworth Correctional Centre, spending time with inmates who need her counsel, and their families when times get tough. Salvation Army community lunches are held every week after the Sunday morning worship service and on Fridays. The ‘Salvos’ provide needy Beechworth locals with food, furniture, clothing, and help with some bills. Pauline will be promoted to Captain in January 2014 and is promoted to Major on November 30th 2023, becoming the longest serving Salvation Army officer in Beechworth’s history.

The Salvation Army has had an active presence in Beechworth since 1884, just four years after the officially recognised start of the Army in Australia. When Pauline Middleton arrives in Beechworth, she takes over from Captains Peter and Ainsley McMaster, who move to Western Australia. |

After spending more than a decade under the tutelage of David Bicknell at Oakridge Wines in the Yarra Valley, Adrian Rodda moves to Beechworth, with his wife Dr Christie Rodda, and establishes A. Rodda Wines, producing a Chardonnay from the Smiths Vineyard, the oldest vineyard in modern Beechworth viticulture. Adrian is encouraged by his friend Mark Walpole who had planted his Fighting Gully Road Vineyard in the region in 1997. In 2012 Adrian will commence the “Chardonnay Project”, sourcing grapes from the Willow Lake Vineyard in the Yarra Valley and vinifies them in parallel with the Smiths Vineyard Chardonnay. Dr Christie Rodda becomes a permanent member of the medical staff at the Beechworth Surgery on Camp Street.

2010 – Mar

Peter Shea releases the book “Champagne From Six to Six”. Published by the Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co. it is a fascinating social history of the various entertainments and recreations enjoyed by diggers on the goldfields of Beechworth. The front cover (above) features the painting ‘A Digger’s Ball’ by famed goldfield’s artist Samuel Thomas Gill.

Graham Fisher, who owns Beechworth Pizza at 57 Ford Street, launches a second business – Beechworth Horse and Carriage.

2010 – May

Beechworth is announced as the national winner of the Keep Australia Beautiful ‘Tidy Towns’ award 2009/10 at Government House in Canberra. As well as winning the overall Australian title, Beechworth also wins the Dame Phyllis Frost Litter Prevention Award, the Energy Innovation Award and receives a commendation in the Heritage & Culture category. Australian Tidy Towns National Judge, Dick Olesinski states: “Beechworth‟s diverse range of projects make up the community’s longstanding commitment to Tidy Towns and other related environmental and beautification approaches. The community as a whole have a strong sense of commitment and pride and are involved in a broad range of initiatives to ensure a sustainable future”.

After nine years, the Anders family and their Le Blanche Ice Creamery outgrow the small shop at 14A Camp Street and they take over the long-running Beechworth Ice Creamery across the road at 3 Camp Street, on the corner of High Street. They make all their own ice cream and sorbets at the rear of the new larger premises, using local fruits and ingredients, and their business grows into one of Beechworth’s most popular places for visitors (and locals) to visit in the warmer months.

The corner of Camp Street and High Streets is historically significant, not only because it was originally at the ‘centre of town’, but also because on the day of the first land auction in Beechworth – on September 7, 1853 – the bargain of the day went to the very first buyer Charles Williams, who paid just £3 for the allotments on this corner – where ‘The Beechworth Ice Creamery’ and ‘The Beechworth Sweet Company’ now stand. |
2010 – Jul

With support from the ‘Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Bushfire Grants Fund’ – which is established to assist in the restoration of community life in rural townships affected by the February 2009 ‘Black Saturday’ Victorian bushfires – the Beechworth Neighbourhood Centre creates a Community Garden on the land behind the Community Bookshop it had opened on Ford Street in December 2008. The garden is developed in partnership with the Beechworth Correctional Centre and Sustainable Gardening Australia. Renamed the Quercus Beechworth Community Garden in 2015, over the following years it will continue to (literally) grow and flourish, with members of the community encouraged to plant and grow items, with others welcome to take home produce from the garden, including bunches of herbs or green vegetable leaves for salads. The Quercus Community Garden (below) now consists of flowers, Australian natives, vegetables, herbs, and fruit trees, as well as offering places to sit and eat, chat, or relax.

The ‘Helen Macpherson Smith Trust’ is established in 1951. In accordance with the terms of the late Helen Macpherson Schutt’s (née Smith) will, income from her estate is to be paid in perpetuity at the discretion of Trustees to charitable institutions situated in Victoria. Since 1972, total grants made exceed $99 million. Each year, grants of between $4 million and $5 million are given to a wide spectrum of Victorian charities. Within 48 hours of ‘Black Saturday’ in 2009, the Trust establishes a special $2 million ‘Bushfires Grants Fund’ with a $1 million grant allocation to ‘Sustainable Gardening Australia’ for its proposal entitled ‘Community Based Gardening in Bushfire Affected Areas’. |
2010 – Jul

Beechworth community radio station Indigo FM is founded by local resident Paul Fitzgerald, with its first official home in a room at the rear of Nine Mile Music at 14B Camp Street. When Nine Mile Music closes at the end of 2010, Indigo FM relocates to the Beechworth Youth Centre at the former Beechworth Railway Station thanks to the support of Indigo Shire Youth Services before moving its base to a small studio within Beechworth Secondary College in early 2013. The station broadcasts on 88.0 FM.

The 1856-built church hall at 7 Church Street – once the home of James Goldsworthy’s Beechworth Grammar School – is restored and repurposed by photographer, artist and curator Erin Davis-Hartwig as the Old Stone Hall, a new gallery, studio and art space for Beechworth’s creative industries and arts community. Leased from Beechworth’s Anglican Christ Church next door, the Old Stone Hall is designed as a creative co-working and art exhibition space and will become the home of Beechworth Photographers and Kore Graphics and feature regular exhibitions, community events and stage performances (below).


Noel Evans – longtime maths teacher at the Beechworth Gaol intergration prison, and trainer at the Beechworth Football Club – takes over the Beechworth Taxis business from Terry Baker. Along with driver Cheryl Walker, Noel will drive people around Beechworth and surrounding towns for the next 12 years.
Cheryl Walker’s great-great-uncle Frank Jarvis had one of Beechworth’s first taxis in the 1920s, an American-built ‘Flint’. |

Jim McCormack constructs the coin operated Beechworth Car Wash on his land at 30-32 Diffey Road a few doors from his home. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it features three bays, plus car vacuuming and cleaning facilities.
In April 2016 Karen Allen will buy the business from McCormack and continues to run it successfully today. |

After establishing All-Car Auto Electrical on Beechworth’s ‘Industrial Estate’ at 21 Crawford Street in September 2003, Craig Ramsay moves his All-Car Auto Electrical workshop to the rear of 71 Finch Street (a former motorcycle spare parts centre), next door to the Beechworth Ambulance Station. With over 40 years’ experience as an auto electrician, Ramsay continues to look after Beechworth’s auto electrical needs..


The Haldon Estate Wines is established at 59 Havelock Road, although it’s history dates back many years to when original owner Alexander Pritchard – elected as the Honorary Secretary of the first Beechworth Municipal Council in 1856 – plants a 9-acre vineyard in the 1850s. Then, in 1893, new owner – German businessman Frederic Haumann – builds a fine brick residence on the site. He names the house ‘Haldon’, describing it as a ‘Gentlemen’s Retirement Home’ (below).


At the Lake Sambell Reserve, a new Amenities Block – with toilets, baby change room and changing cubicles for swimmers – is completed beside the Lake Sambell Playground (established in 1997). A Bocce Court and an outdoor gym ‘Fitness Station’ is also created (below) along with a new canoe launching area to replace the old boat ramp, as canoeing and kayaking become more popular on the lake.
Lake Sambell is named in honour of Leslie Herbert Sambell, Beechworth shire engineer and secretary of the ‘Forward Beechworth Committee’. 1n 1928 Sambell published a booklet entitled “Beechworth: The Ideal Tourist Resort” on the attractions of Beechworth for tourists and prospective residents. |

2010 – Sep

Adrian ‘Oz’ Osborne opens his Splatoons Cartoon Shop & Gallery at 8 Camp Street (corner of Camp and High Streets) next door to Bec’s Take Away shop. ‘Oz’ has worked as a freelance caricaturist since 1992 with his ‘lightning-fast’ drawing style and colourful delivery keeping his services in high demand.

The prominent corner building has been home to a number of businesses over the years including ‘Spencer’s Butchers’ in the 1930s and more recently, a chicken shop and, before ‘Splatoons’, Tony and Deanna Rowland‘s ‘Computers @ Beechworth’ shop from 2001-2009. It is now the home of ‘Bonnici & Associates – First National Real Estate’. |
2010 – Sep

Coached by Shaun Pritchard and captained by Brayden Carey, the Beechworth Football Club – ‘The Bushrangers’ – finally take home the premiership flag – their first in 9 years – winning the 2010 Grand Final, defeating Yackandandah 18.9 (117) to 12.5 (77) at the Sandy Creek oval.
Unfortunately, ‘The Bushrangers’ will slump to a wooden spoon in 2013 after winning just one of their 18 home and away matches for the year! |
2010 – Oct

Luke Whybrow from the Beechworth Butchery is announced as one the winners in the North-Eastern regional heat of the ‘Victorian Sausage King Competition’. Co-ordinated by the Australian Meat Industry Council, Luke is awarded best in the ‘Lamb Class’ for his lamb, honey, mint and rosemary sausage.

2010 – Oct 30-31

The Beechworth Theatre Company stages a production of “The Wind in the Willows” directed by Lorraine Monshing OAM and produced by Vicki Connell. The play is staged outdoors – in and around Beechworth’s Chinese Gardens and Lake Sambell (above) – with two performances each day – at 12 noon and a later show at 5pm – with family audiences encouraged to ‘pack a picnic’.
Since being ‘revived’ in 1996 , the ‘Beechworth Theatre Company Inc’ will go on to present a range of stage shows to local audiences including “Cosi”, “Steel Magnolias”, “Bullshot Crummond”, “Dracula”, “Trial and Error”, “Life After George”, “The One Day of the Year”, ‘The Vicar of Dibley”, “The Importance of Being Earnest”, “Screwtape”, “California Suite”, “Black Comedy”, along with ‘Theatre Restaurant’ style shows, live Radio Plays and numerous ‘One Act Play’ Festivals. |
2010 – Dec 1-3

After heavy and persistent summer rain, floods surge through the rain-drenched region, with some areas copping over 50 millimetres in a few hours. The Woolshed Falls become a raging torrent with white water rapids carrying trees like twigs, while the Beechworth Bowls Club ends up looking more like a swimming pool than a bowling green.
2010 – Dec

After many years in business, Nine Mile Music at 14B Camp Street closes for business.

Salmore Developments, the new owner of the Heritage listed Beechworth Gaol, opens the building to the public, offering tours under the banner of Beechworth Gaol Unlocked.

After 15 years in the wine trade, Simon Grant and his partner Helen Murray choose Beechworth as the perfect place to establish Traviarti – a new vineyard – at 39 Elgin Road. They plant ‘nebbiolo’ in the red decomposed shale and mudstone soils just above the township. Simon will become President of the Beechworth Vignerons.

2011 – Mar 5

The former Baptist Church at 14 Ford Street is sold for $430,000. Renovated and converted into a private home in 2001, it is now known as ‘The Old Church House’. The interior (below) features an open plan design showing off the historic Murray Pine ceiling beams and the Baltic Pine floorboards, with a steel and timber staircase leading to the ‘Minstrels Gallery’ bedroom on the mezzanine floor and a balcony overlooking the living space below, while the landscaped patio courtyard outside features a jacuzzi surrounded by timber decking.

2011 – May 23

La Trobe University Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Hal Swerissen announces the university will close its Beechworth Hotel and Conference Centre facilities and the entire site will be prepared for sale. La Trobe University purchased the Mayday Hills Mental Asylum for $750,000 in 1996.
2011 – Jul 11

Netty Atkins takes over Hotch Potch at 39 Ford Street which had been established in 2003 by Greg Morcombe at 71 Ford Street. Hotch Potch specialises in quality kitchenware and gifts. The 1856-built shop had originally been home to a series of ‘Beechworth Undertakers’ including James Kyle and George Henry Farley.


Terese Adams and Kelvin Clark open Red Hill Footwear and Childrenswear at 49 Ford Street, next door to Beechworth Toys and Collectables. The shop carries a range of items for children including underwear, pyjamas, casual clothing, baby gifts, hair accessories, watches, jewellery, purses, bags, and even bubble baths. Terese and Kel had restored Barnsley House in 1987 and owned and operated the popular Bed and Breakfast until August 2009.


Cellar Door Wine Store is established at 62 Ford Street by former Provenance employees Aaron Taylor and Martina Brazdovicova. Offering wine by the glass or bottle, the store also showcases a range of cheeses, along with the Beechworth region’s wines, given very few local wineries have cellar doors open to the public. They will sell the popular store to the Bisset family in 2016 before relocating to Sydney.

2011 – Sep 9

The Bendigo Bank opens a branch in Beechworth at 78 Ford Street in the shop formerly occupied by the Green Gekko Café (below).

‘Bendigo Bank’ begins in 1858 as the ‘Bendigo Mutual Permanent Land and Building Society’ on the Bendigo goldfields, in response to the sudden and rapid wave of migration, where it is established to improve conditions for thousands of migrants seeking their fortune. In Beechworth, the branch is operated by the ‘Indigo Community Development Group Limited‘. |
2011 – Sep

Lyn Oswald takes over Jacqueline’s Tearoom (above) at 34-36 Camp Street and renames it the Moments & Memories Tea Room (below), offering traditional English afternoon teas “with all its social glory”.
In the 1950s, 34-36 Camp Street is the home of Leo Kavangh’s ‘Beechworth Taxi Service Office and Garage’ then, in the 1960s, Ian Downs runs his ‘BP Petrol Station’ from this location before moving his ‘Golden Era Service Station’ to Ford Street in 1972. |

2011 – Dec 6

The burial yard of Beechworth Gaol is legally consecrated by Monsignor Frank Marriott from the Sandhurst Diocese, almost 150 years after the first prisoner is buried within the solid granite walls. The burial ground contains the remains of the eight prisoners hanged within the gaol between 1865 and 1881. With one exception, they are all executed for murder. A Sentence of Consecration document is signed by Monsignor Marriott during the course of the ceremony. Those in attendance include former prison staff and descendants of gaol inmates including Pat Oliver, the great-granddaughter of Patrick Sheehan, the first person to be hanged at the Beechworth Gaol in 1865.
The eight men hanged at Beechworth Gaol are – Patrick Sheehan, aged 31 (6th November 1865); John Kelly, aged 35 (4th May 1867); Peter Higgins (aka James Smith), aged 40 (11th November 1869); James Quinn, aged 30 (10th November 1871); Thomas Brady, aged 32 (12th May 1873); James Smith, aged 30 (12th May 1873); Thomas Hogan, aged 34 (9th June 1879); Robert Rohan (aka George Smith), aged 25 (6th June 1881). |

2012 – Jan 1

After purchasing a property, planting olives and harvesting their produce, Ben and Lyn Ryder open Blynzz Coffee Roaster and Café at 43 Ford Street. Initially their deli-style café is intended as a way of offering their olive products to customers, but the coffee roasting side of the business quickly overtakes their original plans. Winning an award for their roasted coffee in their first year – and more awards over the succeeding years – Blynzz roasts 100% Arabica beans sourced from Mexico, Peru, Ethiopia, Colombia, Papua New Guinea and beyond, hand roasting single origins and blends. In July 2021 Lyn Ryder will take solo control of the business and change the name from Blynzz Coffee Roaster and Café to Table Three Seven Four Seven (Beechworth’s postcode – below), while Ben Ryder establishes a separate business – Beechworth Coffee Roasters – at 6 Boiler House Lane (off Gilchrist Avenue, behind the Montessori School).
‘Table Three Seven Four Seven‘ will close in April 2023 while Lyn Ryder takes an extended break, before she returns and re-opens the popular coffee shop and café in mid-July 2024. |


Formerly the chef at Beechworth’s Warden’s Food and Wine and Gigi’s of Beechworth, Andrew Roscouet and his wife Feona take over the lease for The Plough Inn at Tarrawingee from the Nolan family, who have owned the historic hotel for over 150 years. Andrew will open a new cellar door at The Plough Inn on December 6th 2014.
The new Cellar Door will be housed in what had been a disused room near The Plough Inn’s bar entrance and will feature milled timber from a giant redwood – sequoiadendron giganteum – that fell near Beechworth oval 15 years previously. |

2012 – Apr 8

On Easter Sunday a suspicious fire destroys parts of the Salvation Army Corps (Church) at 35 Ford Street. The Beechworth Fire Brigade arrive at the building at 9:30pm and take 15 minutes to extinguish the eight separate fires lit throughout the building which causes extensive damage in the office, including the destruction of computers, printers, and photocopiers. The culprit is never identified. After extensive renovations, the building is reopened in July.
2012 – Jun 4

Beechworth’s long-time barber and men’s hairdresser John Groves ‘Snowy’ Anderson passes away at the age of 81. He has served the community for over 50 years from his popular hairdressers at 66 Ford Street in the Clement’s Buildings, next door to Vincent Shallue’s Butcher Shop (below).

2012 – Jun

Former world number one squash champion Sarah Fitz-Gerald and Squash Victoria’s Fiona Young are the special guests at the official re-opening of the Beechworth Squash and Fitness Centre at 4 Mellish Street under the new management of Jason Dawson.

Major renovations begin on the interior of St. Andrews Uniting Church on the corner of Ford and Williams Streets. The 1858-built church needs a great deal of work and, among other things, all the floorboards are replaced (below), the front section of the building is remodelled and many of the interior walls are restored. The work on the 154-year-old church is succesfully carried out by Beechworth builder Sean Cartledge.


Vanessa Abbott purchases Beechworth Gold from her parents Patricia and Graham Abbott who had established Beechworth Gold in 1997 on the corner of Ford and Camps Streets.

2012 – Aug 3-5

Tourists flock to Beechworth for the annual Ned Kelly Weekend. One of the special guests at this year’s event is Noelene Allen, author of the book ‘Ellen: A Woman Of Spirit’ who holds a special book-signing at the Ardent Alpaca store on Camp Street on Saturday August 4th. Author Paul Terry is also in Beechworth to launch his new book ‘The True Story of Ned Kelly’s Last Stand’, at Tanswell’s Commercial Hotel on Ford Street where he is supported by Ned Kelly expert Ian Jones.

2012 – Aug 9

Another cold morning in Beechworth as light snow falls over the town.
2012 – Sep 29

60 people gather at the Beechworth Town Hall to hear about a $3 million plan to repair cracks in the Lake Sambell dam wall which had been discovered in early 2012. At that time, the lake’s water level had been lowered two metres to avoid potential structural failure of the wall. Consulting engineer Richard Rodd tells the concerned citizens the embankment had been poorly built in 1928, and remained unfixed after more work was done in the 1960s. Investigations have now revealed that instead of stripping the foundations back to solid rock, crews built the embankment on top of alluvial material. Work begins shortly after the meeting. it will fully completed in August 2015.

Cafe Amalia, a Tapas Bar serving Mediterranean-style cuisine, closes for business at 52 Ford Street.

2012 – Dec 1

‘Beechworth Railway Weekend’. A detailed model of the Beechworth Railway Station in the 1960s is officially unveiled by former Deputy Prime Minister (and railway enthusiast) Tim Fischer in a newly dedicated room of the Beechworth Telegraph Station. The fully operational HO-scale model railway replica is the brainchild of Beechworth morse code expert Leo Nette, a volunteer at the Telegraph Station, who contacted scale modeller and fellow Beechworth resident John Harvey, secretary of the Wodonga Railway Modellers, to help build the miniature station, sheds, water tank and surrounds, with assistance from six volunteers using original engineering drawings from the Burke Museum. The permanent exhibition is still open to the public and has proved very popular with locals and tourists alike.

2013 – Mar

After sitting mostly empty since it closed the site in 2011, La Trobe University sells its Beechworth Campus at the Mayday Hills Mental Asylum for $1.5 million to local business, La Trobe Beechworth Pty Ltd, co-owned by Beechworth residents Geoff Lucas and George Fendyk.
The 106-hectare site comprises numerous buildings including a Conference Centre with a 20-room Hotel, Restaurant and Meeting Rooms; a three-level building used for accommodation; and nine smaller accommodation properties. The site also includes two buildings used as classrooms for a Montessori School, the ‘Bijou Theatre’ (that is the starting point for Ghost Tours), a Catering Centre, offices, Cricket Pavilion and Oval, the Beechworth Childcare Centre and Kindergarten, Gardening Sheds, Boiler Rooms, Maintenance Buildings, assorted storage sheds and a Chapel (formerly the Asylum’s Morgue!). |
2013 – Mar

Kellie Henshall, who had been working for Rebecca Davies at her Bec’s Takeaway (below) at 6B Camp Street, agrees to take over the business, renaming the popular takeaway shop Kellz Kitch. (Before Bec’s Takeaway, the business had been operating as Cafe Lasserena.)

2013 – Mar 29

On Easter Good Friday, celebrated chef Sean Ford and his partner Lauren Heidke open The Ox and Hound bistro at 52 Ford Street, specialising in rustic French and Italian cooking styles. After moving to Beechworth in 2009, Sean and Lauren start a family (two children – Pearl and Anderson) and eventually take over the former site of Cafe Amalia, and create a cosy new dining space, seating just 30 guests, and add features including lights hanging from wattle tree limbs, recycled Snowline Fruits apple crates used as box shelving and wall panelling behind the bar, and woven cane bistro chairs. The original, historic pressed metal ceiling remains a feature.


The three-storey Nurses’ Home at the Mayday Hills Hospital is converted into the Linaker Art Deco Motel.


The George Kerferd Hotel is opened at 22 Oak Avenue within in the vast former May Day Hills Hospital property. The 4-star hotel features 20 guest rooms, a swimming pool, tennis court, billiards room and a wedding chapel. The hotel also includes the newly opened GK Restaurant, overseen by French chef Michel Renoux.


Provenance restaurant’s Michael Ryan is named ‘Chef of the Year‘ in the Age Good Food Guide. Provenance, established in the grand old Bank of Australasia at 86 Ford Street in 2009, has received many accolades and awards, including two hats in the Good Food Guide for the last 9 years and is currently ranked no. 30 in the Gourmet Traveller Top 100 Australian Restaurants.


Rod and Jacinta Devlin establishes Devlin Real Estate at 75 Ford Street where L.J. Hooker Beechworth and Lupsons Real Estate had been based since 2000.

2013 – May

Margo Maller and Peter Brygel purchase the beautiful house at 3 Finch Street. Built in 1895, it is surrounded by beautiful, English-style manicured gardens, and features a swimming pool, a tinkling fountain and an 80-year-old magnolia tree in the front garden.It had been operating as a ‘Bed & Breakfast’ some years earlier but had been closed for a few years. They will spend a number of months, and a lot of money, to bring it back into shape, and open it as Finches of Beechworth at the end of 2013. In 2016, Finches of Beechworth will win the Trip Advisor award for ‘Best Bed & Breakfast in Australia’.


With the completion of the Holbrook Bypass in NSW, the Hume Highway has now been fully upgraded to ‘dual carriageway’ standard between Melbourne and Sydney, with Tarcutta as the halfway point of the 840 km journey. Known as the Hume Highway in NSW, in Victoria it is known as the Hume Freeway, although the name reverts to the ‘Hume Highway’ in the outer metropolitan areas of Melbourne, ending at the intersection with the Western and Metropolitan Ring Road at Thomastown.

First proposed in 1964, the 17.4 km ‘Albury-Wodonga Bypass’ is finally opened to traffic on March 6th 2007. With approval finally granted in 2004 and construction commencing in 2005, the final cost of $524 million will be shared by the Victorian government ($150 million) and the NSW government ($374 million). |
2013 – Jul

Mayor Barb Murdoch announces the Indigo Council will purchase the former Turquoise Ward building at 2 Kurrajong Way within the Mayday Hills Mental Asylum site for $500,000 as its new office base. It had been operating as The Pines Conference Centre for La Trobe University since they bought old Asylum in 1996. After refurbishment of the building, the council should be able to move in within two years. 17 Yackandandah staff in the Infrastructure Services Department will move to the new Beechworth offices, with 34 staff remaining in Yackandandah to provide essential services, including planning, building, natural resources and environmental health. Options for the council’s current Beechworth office, include moving the Beechworth Library.
Overlooking the ‘Mayday Hills Cricket Ground’, the new ‘Turquoise Ward’ is added to the ‘Mayday Hill Mental Asylum’ in the late 1930s to house the growing number of children who are being transferred from the ’Kew Cottages’ in Melbourne. However, the proposed new ‘Children’s Ward’ will prove somewhat unsuitable as it has no ‘exercise yard’ or ‘airing court’ meaning child patients have to be confined indoors. A solution is reached, with the children being escorted daily across the road to share the ‘airing court’ at the ‘Number 5 Female Ward’. |
2013 – Aug

Dieter Bach, who established Gospel Antiques at the former Congregational Church at 40a Camp Street in 1998 needs more room, so he now opens a second antique store in the original 1861 Beechworth Common School No. 36 building at 17 Loch Street. Known as Crozzie’s Collectables – School House Antiques, it will close after 3 years.

Jim Didolis and Heidi Freeman’s Freeman on Ford is awarded Trip Advisor’s “Travellers’ Choice Award” for the ‘Top Bed & Breakfast’ in Australia. They will win the award again in 2015.
Jim and Heidi also own and operate Beechworth’s ‘Lakeside Chalet’ and adjoining ‘Lakeside Studio’ at 1 Kraus Lane on the shore of Lake Sambell, and the ‘Beechworth Hideaway’ in Priory Lane. |

2013 – Sep

Indigo Fuels takes over the Ampol Petrol Station just over the Newtown Bridge at 2-4 High Street and major renovations take place to convert it to a Shell Petrol Station. Highbridge Motors (who service cars) leaves the site. In 2016 Indigo Fuels will begin further renovations to add a Fast & Ezy 24 hour convenience store to the petrol station.

2013 – Oct

Andrew Breen moves his Highbridge Motors business from the Shell Petrol Station at 2-4 High Street to new independent premises at 4/26 Crawford Street, part of Beechworth’s new ‘Industrial Estate’ which looks out onto the Rail Trail and natural water features (below).


The Buffalo Lodge (The Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes)- which had occupied 53 Ford Street for a number of years – closes, and the bricks covering the front of the building are removed and it is converted back into a single shop. Rebus now trades from this shop.


Adrian ‘Oz’ Osborne moves his Splatoons Cartoon Shop and Gallery from 8 Camp Street (corner of Camp and High Streets) to new premises at 62 High Street. With the ability to draw a caricature in around two minutes, ‘Oz’ has established himself as one of the “fastest felt tips” in Australia, drawing over 70,000 portraits at corporate and private events around the country.

2013 – Nov

The new Beechworth Fire Brigade Station (run by the Country Fire Authority) opens at 5 Victoria Road, replacing the old 1903 Fire Station which still stands at 35-37 Camp Street.
The original 1903 Fire Station (below) and adjoining Fireman’s Residence, is now owned by Steve and Jodie Goldsworthy of Beechworth Honey. |

2013 – Dec

The Salvation Army purchase the house at 37 Ford Street (above) next door to their Corps (church) at 35 Ford Street and convert the small family home into their Thrift Shop (below) which will be officially opened in August 2014. The Salvo’s annual local welfare budget is around $100,000, now funded mostly by the new Salvation Army Thrift Shop.

2014 – Jan 15

Nicole MacIsaac and her Myrtleford-based sister Danni Townsend-O’Neil open Eva’s Sunday at 83 Ford Street to sell their independently owned Australian fashion linen label, along with other fashion products and labels including Angus & Celeste, Hip Hip Decay, SOH Candles, Rose & Lyle, Blanc & Nero Candles, and Lovers Eclectica. In 2023, Eva’s Sunday open a second store in Melbourne at 277 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy.


After a number of years in business, The Green Shed bistro closes. Established by James Loveridge – who crushes and makes his own wines – and later operated by Nathan Ackland and Megan Chalmers, it is located in the 1891-built printing house at 37 Camp Street.


Dr Karen Hayes (above) establishes Indigo Chiro at Shop 4 in the Marion Arcade, 74 Ford Street (below) offering a range of chiropractic services.


After Judi Borschman’s retirement from the Beechworth Sweet Company on Camp Street, long-time employee and book-keeper Sally McGregor purchases the popular store, established by Judi at 7 Camp Street in 1992.


Beechworth’s Secondary College has 241 pupils, the Primary School has 188 pupils.

2014 – Mar 13

Louise Ritchie opens Silver Creek Sourdough bakery in Boiler House Lane (behind the Montessori School), specialising in a delicious and healthy range of sourdough breads, crumpets and pizza bases using all local and organic ingredients, including honey from Beechworth’s True Blue Honey for her popular ‘Spelt and Honey Sourdough’ bread. Lousie also makes very popular jam donuts!

On her first day in 2014, Louise produces a 10kg trial batch of dough and makes a profit of just $2.00! By 2024 ‘Silver Creek Sourdough’ is processing around 750kg dough into bread and pizza and 300kg crumpet mix over 5 production days. |
2014 – Mar

Steve and Jodie Goldsworthy from Beechworth Honey open their new Beechworth Honey Discovery centre in the former Bank of NSW building (built in 1865). Beechworth Honey is established in 1993 with its manufacturing headquarters located in Corowa. The business wins the Regional Victoria Business Achievement Award in 2013.

The Goldsworthy’s will later convert the former bank manager’s residence on the first floor of the old bank into the three bedroom ‘Hive Apartment’ luxury accommodation. |
2014 – Apr

After a gap of 156 years, the pistol gifted to Robert O’Hara Burke in Beechworth returns to Beechworth, arriving in a crate from Dublin after a successful bid at auction. The ‘Tranter’ pistol was given to Burke in 1858 as a gift from his fellow police when he left Beechworth for his ill-fated expedition across Australia with William John Wills, taking the weapon with him. It will be found next to his body after he and Wills die on the return journey in 1861. After a tip-off that the pistol is about to be auctioned in Dublin – with a starting price of $1,500 – the Burke’s Museum’s limited funds are bolstered by a $3,000 council grant and $3,000 from the Friends of the Burke Museum group and finally a call to arms at the Nicholas Hotel just five hours before the auction begins. Publican Ross Lucas chips-in $1,000, as do Stanley nut growers Andrew Cook and Anita Mihaljevic, along with several others who generate the final winning bid of $18,000. The inscription inside the pistol case reads “Presented to R. O’Hara Burke Esq. Supt. of Police by the Officers of the district on his transfer from Beechworth, November 1858”.


Beechworth Machinery is named ‘Graden Industries’ “Dealer of the Year”. The business, established by George Fendyk in 1990, is at 30 High Street, the original site of Ladson’s Cash Grocery Store, established in 1882 (below).

2014 – May 10

The first Beechworth Music Festival is held at the Madman’s Gully Amphitheatre on the farmlands of the former Mayday Hills Mental Asylum. Unfortunately the rain falls … and falls … just before the festival kicks off, turning the ground into quagmire (see below), but this doesn’t dampen the spirits of the small but appreciative crowd and the festival is considered a success. Created by Lex Fletcher and Rikki Raadsveld, the annual event will move to the Australia Day long weekend from 2015.

2014 – Aug

The Ned Kelly Vault is officially opened at the former Sub-Treasury building on Ford Street in Beechworth, with Ned Kelly biographer Ian Jones invited to ‘cut the ribbon’. Curated by Matt Shore in conjuction with Beechworth’s Burke Museum, the vault displays over 150 Ned Kelly-related items including Ned’s ‘death mask”; Dan Kelly’s pistol; the armour worn by Mick Jagger in the 1970 feature film “Ned Kelly” (which Ian Jones co-wrote); the first ‘Reward Poster’ printed by Jamieson Police following the massacre of police at Stringybark Creek. 20% of the items on display are from the Burke Museum with the remaining 80% coming from private collections. Over the next few years The Ned Kelly Vault will attract over 100,000 visitors to Beechworth.

2014 – Aug

Indigo Mayor Bernard Gaffney is on hand for the official opening of the new Salvation Army Thrift Shop at 37 Ford Street. Along with Beechworth business and community leaders are Salvation Army northern division captain Andrew van Gaalen and Beechworth’s own Salvation Army Captain Pauline Middleton. The building, next door to the 1920-built Salvation Army Citadel, had been purchased by the Salvos at the end of 2013 and transformed into a Thrift Shop (below) as part of an on-going project supported by the Beechworth Correctional Centre, builder Peter Novosad, local businesses and generous donors.

2014 – Sep

The third annual ‘Beechworth Proms’ are held at Christ Church and $3,000 is raised and donated to Breast Cancer Awareness Australia. This year’s theme is “a tribute to citizens of the Beechworth district who enlisted 100 years to serve in the Great War that was to end all wars”. Entertainment begins outside the church with Geoff Crossman leading the Beechworth Concert Band.

The world’s last-surviving seven-cylinder Crossley QVD7 (350 horsepower) diesel engine and electric generator is relocated to a purpose-built ‘tin shed’ next to the Beechworth Bowls Club at Wallace Park, where it can be viewed by the public. The $75,000 project is a joint venture between the volunteers at the Old Cranks Motor Club and Beechworth Rotary. The 13 tonne British-built Crossley engine was originally imported to Beechworth by Albert Michael Zwar in 1936 – at a cost of £6,000 – to provide electrical power for the expanding Zwar’s Tannery, one of Beechworth’s biggest employers, as well as providing electricity for street lighting throughout Beechworth.
After the closure of ‘Zwar’s Tannery’ in Beechworth in 1961, the Crossley diesel engine is moved to ‘French’s Sawmill’ at Mount Beauty, then to ‘Gunnersen’s Sawmill’ at Mitta Mitta in the 1980s, before being returned to Beechworth where it sits unused for many years inside the Beechworth Railway Goods Shed. |


Mike and Heather Allen open The Press Room wine bar at 37 Camp Street in Beechworth’s 1891-built printing house. (It will close in September 2020 after the business suffers from the Covid pandemic.) Mike and Heather have since moved to Kyneton where they have established Miss M’s Lounge.

2014 – Nov

Jack and Mai Melbourne, from Yackandandah, open the Lemongrass Café at 74 Ford. The popular café specialises a wide range of Asian food including Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Thai, and Chinese, with a selection of Sushi, Rice Paper Rolls, Chinese Dim Sims, Home Made Spring Rolls, Pizza Pieces, Pies, Thai curries and noodles.

For many years the shop at 74 Ford Street operated as a popular tobacconist and newsagency. Originally run by American George Judah Lyon, he sells the business to Alfred ‘Alf’ Foster and his wife Sarah in 1871. In 1910 it is taken over by Richard Rowe Warren – nicknamed ‘Little Dick’ – who will run it successfully until his death at the age of 90 in 1950. The laneway that runs beside the shop will be named ‘Warren Lane’ in his honour (now ‘The Marion Arcade’). |
2014 – Dec

Carols by Candlelight are held once again in the Town Hall Gardens in Beechworth, with music lead by the Beechworth Concert Band.

2015 – Jan 19

Jamie Horne establishes Indigo Real Estate at 29B Camp Street. As well as being a fully qualified Real Estate Agent, Jamie has a Bachelor of Business, a Certificate of Accounting, and a Certificate of Professional Writing and Editing. He is the founding Chairman of the Indigo Community Development Group Ltd. and spent five years as a volunteer Ambulance Community Officer. He created the website.


The Beechworth Mountain Bike Park (MTB) is completed at 177 Alma Road. Built by local Paul Fitzgerald and his team, it features a comprehensive trail network of beginner green trails right through to highly technical XC loops and a jump track.


Michel Renoux, head chef at The George Kerferd Hotel, opens a new dining experience at the GK Restaurant – the Breton Creperie bistro and bar. Located at 22 Oak Avenue within the Mayday Hills Village in the vast former May Day Hills Hospital property, Michel serves up a delightful range of French crepes.

‘Bretons’ are Celts who live in Brittany in North-West France. Michel Renoux is from the small village of Saint-Sulpice-la-Foret in Brittany, whose people are counted as one of the six Celtic nations. |
2015 – Mar

Owen and Judy Richards (owners of Albertines on Albert Road) purchase the old Wallace Memorial Ward at 19 Warner Road for $362,500. Built in 1890 as part of the Ovens and Murray Hospital for the Aged, it is named in honour local mining entrepreneur and parliamentarian John Altson Wallace who donated £1,100 for the building of what was the 12-bed female ward of the hospital when it was known as the Ovens Benevolent Asylum. The Richards completely renovate the rear and interior of the building into a delightful home, leaving the heritage-listed front exterior untouched. They will put it up for sale in April 2023.
2015 – Mar

Brisbane filmmaking brothers Colin and Campbell Cairnes arrive in Beechworth with cast and crew to shoot their new Australian feature film “Scare Campaign” at the former May Day Hill Lunatic Asylum. Having had critical and box office success with their first horror film “100 Bloody Acres” in 2012, they searched Australia for the perfect location for their second ‘fright-fest’ until they arrived in Beechworth, realising the old asylum had the perfect atmosphere. “Scare Campaign” features actors Ian Meadows, Meegan Warner, Josh Quong Tart, Olivia DeJonge and veteran Australian film star Sigrid Thornton.


Paul Dahlenburg and Lauretta Schulz open the Eldorado Road Cellar Door = Cantina at 44 Ford Street, part of the original home of the Beechworth Coach House. In mid-2023 the popular business will expand next door, taking over the shops at 46-48 Ford Street.
Paul ‘Bear’ Dahlenburg and Lauretta ‘Laurie’ Schulz took over a derelict vineyard, planted in the 1890s, on Eldorado Road in 2009 and began refreshing and replanting the vines. |
2015 – May

The Indigo Shire Council finally move their Beechworth offices from behind the Beechworth Servicemen’s Memorial Hall to the refurbished Turquoise Children’s Ward building at Mayday Hills.

The Beechworth Neighbourhood Centre – which operates from the old Wesleyan Chapel at 26 Ford Street – celebrates 30 years of service to the community and – in recognition of changing expectations of the community – is renamed Quercus Beechworth. It continues its ongoing focus on community food, community learning, community enterprise, community support and community events. The Community Bookstore next door (in the former Sunday School Hall) is also renamed as the Quercus Bookshop (below).

Quercus is the Latin name for a type of English Black Oak. One of these magnificent trees stands on the corner, beside the ‘Quercus Secondhand Bookshop‘ (above) … and 25 of them line the avenues around the ‘Mayday Hills Mental Asylum’, planted in the late 1860s. |

Steve and Eileen Wallace take over the historic 1859-built Barnsley House at 5 John Street, the popular Bed & Breakfast that had been lovingly restored by Kelvin Clark and Terese Adams in 1987.

2015 – Jul

Graham Fisher moves his Beechworth Pizza shop from 57 Ford Street to 69 Ford Street where Gigi’s of Beechworth Bar & Bistro had operated for 14 years.

2015 – Aug 1

After almost three years of work, the long-awaited repair and rebuilding of the Lake Sambell dam wall is completed in June with a $2 million grant from the Victorian Government. The project, to make the structure safe, comes in at a cost of $3.1 with the remaining $1.1 million provided by the Indigo Council. It is officially opened by Indigo Shire Mayor Bernard Gaffney and Bill Tilley MP on August 1st.

2015 – Aug 7-9

The 12th annual ‘Ned Kelly Weekend’ is held in Beechworth, attracting over 4,000 visitors to the popular event. Special guests for the 2015 weekend include Australian actors John Jarrett and Steve Bisley who appeared as Ned Kelly and Joe Byrne in the 1980 Channel 7 mini-series “The Last Outlaw”.


Dominik and Ngaire King open the Peddlar Cafe (or Pedddlar!) at 40 Ford Street. It will operate successfully for three years before closing in 2018.
2015 – Oct

After moving to Beechworth in 2012, Shabbir and Asrathe Hussain establish the Beechworth Indian Restaurant at 32 Ford Street in the former Wardens Hotel, built in 1869 by Edwin Warden as the Midland Counties Hotel. Wardens Food and Wine had operated from the building from 2004 to 2009.

2015 – Oct 24-25

80 years after Tom Parkinson began pushing Tony ‘Sid’ Evans in a wheelbarrow the 55 miles from the front of Parkinson’s Garage on Ford Street in Beechworth to the Mount Buffalo Chalet for a wager of £20, a new ‘Barrowthon’ is established by Guy Wilkinson, Kate Scott and others. Around 100 people – making up 11 teams – enter the two-day 88 km event, to raise money for their chosen charities, with the winning team from the Beechworth Brewery taking line honours, finishing at 10am on Sunday. The team from Headspace Albury Wodonga raise the most money – $6,000 – with a total over $17,000 going to nine separate charities. The ‘Barrowthon’ will become a popular annual event for the next few years.

The original 1935 ‘Wheelbarrow Marathon’ saw just two men complete the gruelling 55-mile journey in eight days, travelling on rough, muddy and sometimes snow covered tracks, with Tom Parkinson always ‘pushing’ and Sid Evans always ‘being carried’ in the barrow … whereas the 2015 competitors follow the much more pleasant and navigable ‘Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail’, stopping at Porepunkah on the first night after travelling 55 km, before completing the final uphill 33 km section to Mt Buffalo on the second day. Competitors are only required travel the first and last 5 km stretches with a team member sitting in their team’s wheelbarrow, while in the middle section of the marathon participants may take turns in simply pushing their ‘decorated barrows’ empty, with ‘refreshment break stops’ every few kilometres. |

2015 – Nov 27

Beechworth Gaol Auction! When Sam Lawson decides to sell the decommissioned Beechworth Gaol (which he purchased for $1.7 million in 2005), over 150 people gather in Beechworth for the auction of the 3.5 hectare heritage listed property. After an opening bid of $1 million from Albury businessman Allan Black and three other bids, it is passed in at $1.75 million, falling short of the expected $2 million price tag. However, a sale is negotiated shortly afterwards, going to Sydney-based Dunnett Properties Group for an undisclosed figure.
The Dunnett Properties Group will pull out of the sale (for undisclosed reasons) before the looming settlement date in April 2016, but the Beechworth Gaol will finally be sold, privately, to a consortium made up of 44 people in November 2016 for $2.5 million. |
2015 – Dec

Husband and wife team Rocco Esposito and Lisa Pidutti return to Beechworth to open Project Forty Nine, a local Providore, Café, Enoteca, Wine Bar and Delicatessen at 46-48 Ford Street. The number ‘Forty Nine’ refers to the address of their farm at 49 Ressom Lane, about 6km out of Beechworth, where they make their own wine, including chardonnay, under the name ‘Project Forty Nine’, practicing organic and biodynamic farming methods.
Rocco and Lisa Esposito created the award-winning ‘Warden’s Food & Wine’ restaurant in Beechworth in 2004 at the former ‘Warden’s Hotel’ on Ford Street. After leaving Beechworth in December 2009, Rocco Esposito spends almost five years as Sommelier and Director of Wine at Melbourne’s three-hatted ‘Vue de Monde’ fine dining restaurant at the Rialto Towers on Collins Street, before returning to Beechworth in 2015 to open ‘Project Forty Nine’ (below). |

2015 – Dec

The new Beechworth Library opens in its new home at the rear of the Beechworth Servicemen’s Memorial Hall. Prisoners from the Beechworth Correctional Centre are brought in to help move over large 150 crates of books and DVDs from the Library’s former site on the corner of Albert Road and Harper Avenue. Now located with the shire’s Maternal and Child Health Services, the new library is jointly opened by Indigo Shire Mayor James Trenery and the Member for Benambra, Bill Tilley.

2015 – Dec

Geoff Brown and his wife Dawn take over the ghostly tours run in Beechworth by Twisted History to become the directors of the newly-named Asylum Ghost Tours after purchasing a large portion of the decommissioned Mayday Hills Mental Asylum(opened in 1867, closed in 1995). The Browns and their staff runtours – both daytime history tours and evening ghost tours – as well as paranormal investigations.
2016 – Jan 16

The 20th annual Opera in the Alps returns to the fairway of the Beechworth Golf Course, with a large crowd turning out as the sun sets to enjoy performances from the likes of Teddy Tahu Rhodes, Greta Bradman, Shanul Sharma and Stefan Cassomenos all under the baton of Guy Noble.

2016 – Jan 16

Just before closing time, a 15-year-old girl sets fire to Beechworth’s only remaining supermarket, the IGA in Loch Street. The massive blaze, started by rolls of toilet paper doused with accelerants, lasts for over six hours before being deemed ‘under control’, but completely guts the 15 year old building.

At the same time as the supermarket is burning, a crowd of 4,500 concertgoers are attending the 20th annual ‘Opera in the Alps’ event at the Beechworth Golf Course less than 2 kilometres away and they soon become aware of the smoke from the blaze. |
2016 – Feb

Plans are announced to turn the disused but heritage-listed former Ovens Benevolent Asylum at 9 Warner Road into an $1.8 million “wellness” hub. The hospital building, which closed in 2005, is being developed by Debby Donkers, the owner of The Spa Beechworth, and Michael Taylor of Beechworth design and construction business Modspec. The plans include Ms Donkers’ business (currently operating from the nearby former Mayday Hills Mental Asylum), along with accommodation, a shared art studio, restaurant, bar, furniture maker and food purveyors. There are also plans for a possible cinema and cider house.
2016 – Feb

After 400 hours of intensive work over a two-year period at Artlab in Adelaide, a historically significant Chinese Silk Banner is returned to Beechworth. The banner had been commissioned by the citizens of Beechworth in 1875 in gratitude to the Chinese who had made a substantial contribution to the development of the Beechworth Benevolent Asylum. At a cost of over $30,000 – financed with the support of the Friends of the Burke Museum and a number of generous donors – the restored banner is unveiled at a function held by the Copland Foundation, which financially supports museums, art galleries and libraries. The banner is to be displayed in a glass case at the Burke Museum. The glass case is designed (for free) by prominent Chinese-Australian Mark Wang, who is the director of Design Australia and a board member of the Melbourne Chinese Museum.
The banner features both Chinese characters and English words: “Presented to the Beechworth Chinese committees of the public institutions in that town in commemoration of the carnival 1873”. |
2016 – Mar

Following the devastating fire of January 16th, work begins on demolishing the burnt remains of Beechworth’s Ritchies IGA supermarket. Phelan Shilo Partners are engaged to design and rebuild the $11m state-of-the-art facility.

2016 – Mar

Mick and Jo Westra (above) generously agree to vacate their Beechworth Plumbing Plus building in Harper Avenue (that they lease from owner Ian Vincent) so that the supermarket can move in, temporarily, until the store is rebuilt after the fire. Although the 400 square metre area is significantly smaller than the large supermarket’s 1,400 square metre space, Beechworth citizens are just happy to have a place to buy their groceries and, two months after the devasting fire, the ‘replacement supermarket’ opens (below). In April, following council approval, the Ritchies IGA Liquor Store temporarily moves into the former Beechworth Library site on the corner of Albert Road and Harper Avenue and will operate there between 2016 and 2018.

2016 – Mar

The independent Australian feature film The Comet Kids shoots some of its scenes on location in Beechworth, taking over both Ford and Camp Streets early in the morning, along with other nearby locations. Written and directed by Glenn Triggs, the family film is actually set in America, with Beechworth doubling for a rural US town. The film, distributed by Pinnacle Films in Australia and Echo Bridge in America, features a number of child actors including Xavier West and veteran Australian actors like Reg Gorman, Marty Rhone and The Castle’s Tiriel Mora.

‘The Comet Kids’ is just one of a number of Australian film and television projects shot in the Beechworth. Others include ‘Mad Dog Morgan’ (with Dennis Hopper and Jack Thompson) filming at the Woolshed Falls, the old Police Lock-Up, the Gunpowder Magazine and the Beechworth Courthouse in 1975; the horror film ‘Scare Campaign’ filming at the Mayday Hills Asylum in March 2015; and the episode ‘Dying Deposition’ of the popular Channel Nine police drama series ‘Division 4’ shot in and around the Beechworth Gaol in 1974. |

Beechworth’s grandest Victorian-era residence Myrla, built in 1875 by successful Beechworth goldminer Donald Fletcher, is purchased by Pierre Masclef (from the Loire Valley in France) and his partner Helen McAlpin (who grew up in nearby Stanley). The couple established L’Oliveraie in 2001, a 24 hectare olive grove with over 2,700 trees on Greenwattle Road 3km from Beechworth. After 4 years they will put Myrla up for sale in 2020 with an asking price of $1.69m.

‘Myrla’ stands in a magnificent Victorian-style garden of just under a hectare, designed by leading German botanist Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, director of the Melbourne Botanic Gardens. The property includes two water features – a classic tiered fountain in the front and a modern reflection pond in the courtyard hemmed by a Beechworth granite retaining wall. There is also a small granite dairy/smoke house in the courtyard and an evergreen oak tree planted in 1875. The entire property is surrounded by massive, manicured box hedges. |

Mick and Jo Westra move their Plumbing Plus store from 3 Harper Avenue (below) to 22 Junction Road, opposite Beechworth Primary School, on the site of the former Foodworks Supermarket (above).

The ‘Plumbing Plus’ store at 3 Harper Avenue – built and owned by Ian Vincent who had established ‘Plumbing Plus’ in 1972 – will eventually be taken over by ‘Bridge Road Brewers’ as their warehouse facility. |
2016 – Apr

After being purchased for an undisclosed sum in 2015, the Beechworth Gaol is sold, again, this time to a consortium of 44 people led by Clayton Neil and Matt Pfahler for $2.5 million. The syndicate is made up of (mainly) local people and one of Melbourne’s leading benefactor families. The sale of the 3.5 hectare heritage listed property re-ignites the hope that Beechworth Gaol will finally be cared for properly, as it has Victoria’s highest heritage classification. The consortium states that they are “committed to transforming this highly-valued heritage site into a thriving community space for the social and economic benefit of the region”.

2016 – Apr

Susan Reid opens Arcadia at 91 Ford Street, selling a range of fine art and handmade craft products that include textiles, timber, fabric, plants, botany, and even bird feathers, plus virtually every art medium. Susan has a professional background in theatrical costume making, and has worked on both stage and screen productions in Australia and the USA. In November 2018 Susan moves Arcadia to a smaller shop at 14a Camp Street then, in September 2019 Arcadia moves again, this time joining forces with the Hello Dolly shop at 29a Camp Street.

2016 – Apr

(photo: TruPics)
Peter and Cecily Bisset and their son Lachlan purchase the Cellar Door Wine Store at 62 Ford Street from Aaron Taylor and Martina Brazdovicova. Lachlan previously spent ten years as a wine waiter at the iconic Café Sydney at Circular Quay. The Bisset’s will offer Mediterranean or Moroccan style food, with future plans to restore the historic 1850’s cellars below the building for tasting rooms and events (below).

2016 – Jun

Penny and Will Bonnici, who operate their First National Real Estate business in Wodonga, open a Beechworth office. They take over the building at 8 Camp Street (corner of Camp and High Streets), fully renovate the old building – once the home of Spencer’s Butchers (below) – and open as First National Real Estate – Bonnici & Associates.

2016 – Jul

After it is deemed racist by the Advertising Standards Bureau, the Beechworth Sweet Company withdraws its long-running television commercial featuring a toy golliwog winking and waving. The advertising watchdog rules the character “represents a symbol that humiliates and ridicules”. The commercial depicts an animated version of its famous logo, which is made up of a toy golliwog, a wombat, a kitten, a dog and a teddy bear around a jar of old-fashioned confectionery. The golliwog (or ‘gollie’ as the sweet shop refers to them) has been part of the Beechworth Sweet Company’s logo since 1992. It will remain as part of their iconic logo, but will no longer appear to be ‘moving’ in television advertising.

The ‘Advertising Standards Bureau’ has no jurisdiction over the design of a company’s logo, however, by animating the golliwog to wink then move its hand into a lolly jar in the tv commercial (in its final shot), the ‘Beechworth Sweet Company’ is deemed to have drawn “specific attention” to the golliwog. |
2016 – Jul

Clothing store Sassy Road and Dapper Drive opens at 45 Ford Street. It is Monika Hood’s second Sassy Road store, having established the business in Mount Beauty in 2010.

Sue Hiatt and David Haythorne establish Beechworth Wildlife Stays on a 2.5 acre bushland property at 278 Buckland Gap Road, 2km from the centre of Beechworth. Surrounded by an olive grove and the Beechworth State Park, visitors can stay in a 55 square metre luxury ‘Glamping Tent’ and then feed the various creatures, including an assortment of farm animals, native animals, snakes … even ‘Billy’ the crocodile! Beechworth Wildlife Stays also operates as a wildlife shelter, taking in injured animals.


Patrick and Ada Mickan establish the Beechworth Natural Farm, providing the local community with fresh and healthy Bio-Dynamic produce that is not sprayed with any pesticides or herbicides. The 11-hectare property is located at 13 Kibell Lane, 2.4 km from the centre of Beechworth.

Gina Kromar opens Beechworth Floral Designs at 20 Camp Street. Born in Beechworth and raised in nearby Stanley, Kromar has had a long career in floristry as a floral designer, retail manager, tertiary educator and Floriade and industry demonstrator. The shop at 20 Camp Street has had numerous occupants over the years, including a couple of different shoe shops including Jim and Veronica Matassoni’s Footwear Store and Bridie Maree’s Shoes (below).

2016 – Oct 15-16

The second annual ‘Barrowthon’ is held, with teams of participants making the 88-kilometre trek from Beechworth to Mt Buffalo pushing wheelbarrows to raise money for charity. While the inaugural ‘Barrowthon’ the year before attracted around 100 participants, the 2016 race involves 240 participants and charitable donations will surpass $55,000! The event celebrates the original 1935 ‘Wheelbarrow Marathon’ when Tom Parkinson pushed Tony ‘Sid’ Evans in a wheelbarrow – over 8 days – from Beechworth to the Mt Buffalo Chalet.

2017 – Jan

After running the Hopton family’s historic Plough Inn at Tarrrawingee for 5 years, Andrew Roscouet and his wife Feona sell the lease of the famous watering-hole to a partnership of five men – Matt Sammon, Jonathan Koop, Hayden Sharp, Andrew ‘Ducky’ Donald and Mick Wilson. Wilson’s uncle is Michael ‘Mick’ Nolan, the last remaining connection with the Nolan family and the present pub built by Hopton Nolan in 1864.
Three generations of Nolans have run ‘The Plough Inn’, including Mick Wilson’s grandparents, who had nine children, including his mother Toni and uncle Michael ‘Mick’ Francis Nolan. Nicknamed the “The Galloping Gasometer” Michael Nolan was a celebrated footballer in the VFL where he was part of North Melbourne’s first ever VFL premiership team in 1975, and also played in the losing Grand Finals of 1976 and 1978 |

2017 – Apr

Just in time for the annual Golden Horseshoes Festival at Easter, young entrepreneurs Tim Jarred (above), Chris Cole, Aron McLean and Nick Gatsios establish the Mayday Hills Escape Room. In the interactive and immersive experience, audience members are ‘trapped in a room’ at the former Mayday Hills Mental Asylum and use clues to find a key, solve a ‘mystery’ and ‘escape’ within a specified time. Tim, Chris, Aron and Nick incorporate the genuine history of the Asylum into the experience.

Leaving their jobs in Melbourne and selling their St. Kilda home, 28-year-old Nathan Cowan and his partner Felicity Cottrill move to Beechworth after purchasing the former Billson’s Brewery at 29 Last Street, with assistance from Nathan’s parents. Nathan’s great-grandfather William Cowan operated the old Butter factory in Wangaratta and Felicity’s family hails from Albury.
Before they purchased the former ‘Billson’s Brewery‘business and associated buildings and equipment from ‘Murray Breweries’ (who had owned the business since 1914), Nathan had studied Exercise Physiology before transitioning to packaging design, and Felicity was working as a Nuclear Medicine Technologist at the ‘Royal Children’s Hospital‘. |

2017 – Jul

Beechworth’s community radio station Indigo FM gets the green light to move into a new studio at the former 1950s Beechworth Child and Maternal Health building at 103 Ford Street – now known as ‘Bunya House’ – next door to the Beechworth Town Hall. Indigo FM will share the facility with Beechworth Urban Landcare and Sustainability (BULS) and the Beechworth Women’s Shed (BWS). 103 Ford Street had been the location of the ‘Beechworth Comfort Station’ (toilets) next to the Town Hall in the 1960s and 1970s (below).

Run by volunteers and broadcasting on 88.0 FM, ‘Indigo FM’ had been based at the ‘Beechworth Secondary College’ since early 2013, where it has seen its initial three regular weekly radio programs grow to over 15 separate shows broadcast every week. |
2017 – Jul

Geoff Lucas and George Fendyk – owners of the former Mayday Hills Mental Asylum – pay $40,000 to purchase the iconic ‘Kerrigan house’ featured in the film “The Castle” which had been standing on a block of land at 3 Dagonet Street in Strathmore next to Essendon Airport. At the end of 2017 Fendyk transports the complete building – chopped into four parts – on a convoy of four trucks to Beechworth, with plans to make it the reception office at his proposed caravan park in the Mayday Hills precinct.
In 2019, the Indigo Shire Council will reject the proposal for the development of the caravan park at Mayday Hills. |

Work continues on rebuilding the IGA supermarket.

After moving to Beechworth from Melbourne in 2014 to work as an emergency care nurse at the hospital, Read Moreland, from her little property just out of town, establishes Three Mile Kitchen. Her baking sideline focuses on bagels, croissants and pastries, along with her special ‘cruffin’ (a croissant and muffin hybrid), a morning bun made with croissant dough, brown sugar, orange and cinnamon. Read’s tasty treats are available at the Beechworth Farmers’ Market (held on the grounds of Christ Church on the first Saturday of the month).

Cameron Auty – former Collections Manager of Museums Australia (Victoria) – takes up the role of Burke Museum and Beechworth Historical Precinct and Indigo Heritage Manager.

After establishing Willem Kurt Wines in 2012 and releasing their first wines in 2014, Daniel Balzer and Marije van Epenhuijsen now purchase land at 365 Buckland Gap Road, 3.5km south of Beechworth. The paddocks are developed into a property with a seven-acre vineyard which will feature an off grid winery, substantial plantings of trees and native gardens, and a natural reed bed wastewater filtration system. 2022 marks the first season in which the entire Willem Kurt production comes exclusively from the Buckland Gap Road vineyard site. The Willem Kurt Vineyard is planted to Chardonnay, Syrah, Vermentino, Sangiovese and Pinot Noir.
The name ‘Willem Kurt’ is derived from the middle names of Marije and Daniel’s two children. Their respective heritage being Dutch and German, Willem and Kurt are names that have been used in their families for generations. |


With over 15 years experience as an A-Grade electrician, Paul Donaldson establishes All Space Electrical in Beechworth. Based at 13 Pritchard Lane, he is always mobile with his twin-cab ute around the area. Paul completed his first year of training in his home town of Wagga Wagga. Since then, he’s worked in the North East region of Victoria, Melbourne, and overseas, helping bring venues ‘to life’ for the London 2012 Olympics Games.

2017 – Aug 12-13

The Beechworth Historic Re-enactment Group rekindles the Beechworth Golden Hills 1857 Festival, providing a ‘living history’ of life on Beechworth’s goldfields. 60 ‘re-enactors’ participate in the weekend event where the ‘Government Camp’ is once again staffed by uniformed members of the 12th and 40th ‘Regiments of Foot’ displaying their skill-at-arms drills, and a ‘Gold Commissioner’ issuing mining licences to visitors, while members of the Bendigo Chinese Association are on hand to re-create the lives of Chinese miners with an authentic Chinese camp, complete with its very own Tea House and Joss Temple. The festival commences on the Saturday morning with 50 Redcoats and 100 miners parading through the street of the town.
The first ‘Golden Hills Festival‘ originated on Boxing Day in 1960 and ran for the next 5 years before being replaced by the current ‘Golden Horseshoes Festival‘ in 1966. |

2017 – Oct 15

Andrew Madden, Scott Daintry and chef Shauna Stockwell take over the historic Empire Hotel on the corner of Camp and High Streets. They gut the interior of the two-story 1880 building, remove the T.A.B. gambling facilities, polish the floorboards hidden under sticky carpet, and create a bright, fresh pub which retains its period charm and history.


Suzy Unsted takes over Rubens of Beechworth Eco Hairdressing at Shop 4 in the Golden Vale Centre arcade.
‘Rubens of Beechworth Hairdressing’ had been established by Samantha Pryor in 2000 when the arcade first opened. Sarah Duffy later owned the hairdressers for a few years. |
2017 – Oct 21-22

The third annual ‘Barrowthon’ is held, with teams – in wheelbarrows – racing the 88 km from Beechworth to Mt Buffalo over two days to raise money for charity.

2017 – Nov

The Mayday Hills Art Society is established by Wendy Stephens and Christine Cansfield-Smith. MDHAS – a non-profit organisation – is based in a two-storey building (in the former Mayday Hills Asylum) which contains art studios, workshop and events spaces, two galleries, an art library and the small Playhouse Theatre stage. The MDHAS mission is to be a centre of excellence in the arts and sciences, with an aim is to provide innovative activities that encourage creativity, advance the talents of people in the visual and performing arts, sciences and environment, and provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas to benefit the communities of northeast Victoria.

2017 – Nov

After practising from their office at Beechworth’s Anglican Church Rectory on Ford Street for three years, local solicitors Helen McGowan, Matt Grogan and their staff move their Halliday Solicitors office and chambers to the Gaoler’s Building at the Old Beechworth Gaol.

‘Halliday Solicitors’ was founded by Brendan Halliday in 2006. Sadly, after being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease, he passed away in July 2015. As well as his respected legal work in Beechworth, Brendan was also a star player with the Beechworth ‘Bombers’ Football Club and served as their President in the early 1990s. He was a key figure behind the football club moving from the ‘Ovens and King Football Association’ (OKFA) to the ‘Tallangatta and District Football League’ (T&DL) in 2004 (when they changed their nickname to ‘The Beechworth Bushrangers’) and aligning the Beechworth Football Club with the Beechworth Netball Club. |
2017 – Nov

Henry de Zwart, a qualified and technically minded mechanic (below), establishes Beechworth Automotive on the corner of Oak Ave and Kurrajong Way within the grounds of the former Mayday Hills Mental Asylum, in the building that was formerly the large Mayday Hills Boiler House.

2017 – Nov

Beechworth’s Home Hardware and Timber at 4-6 Camp Street is named ‘State Store of the Year’ at the Independent Hardware Store Awards.
2017 – Nov

Carol Elvin-Jensen opens her store Carol Carol Living at 66 Ford Street. It features global interiors inspired by travel. The shop is one of two on the ground floor of the Clement’s Buildings. Carol will close the shop in early 2021.
The Clement’s Buildings at 66-68 Ford Street has previously been the home of – amongst others – John Groves ‘Snowy’ Anderson’s Gents Hairdressers’ (below right). |

2017 – Dec

Nigel Walker establishes The Bike Hire Company, providing shuttle buses with bicycles for visitors who wish to cycle the bike and rail trails and back roads of the High Country region around Beechworth. With a range of bikes that can be delivered and picked up door-to-door in Beechworth, Bright, Everton, Milawa, Myrtleford, Oxley and Wangaratta, Walker also provides maps, panniers and logistical support.
2018 – Jan 26-27

Getting bigger every year, the fifth annual Beechworth Music Festival is held at the Madman’s Gully Amphitheatre on the farmlands of the former Mayday Hills Mental Asylum. Created by Lex Fletcher and Rikki Raadsveld, the annual event began in 2014 and will continue until 2019. (In 2020 the Covid pandemic will sadly put an end to the fun).

2018 – Feb

After the Bell family had successfully run The Old Priory guest house since 1986, and following the death of her husband Graeme in 2017, Pam Bell decides to put the property and the business up for private sale at $2.15 million. The grand 1904 three-storey former Brigidine Convent & Boarding School is one of Beechworth’s most iconic buildings.

2018 – Mar

Evan Smith creates a striking sculpture in front of Beechworth’s famous ‘Logan Stone’. Situated beside the main road, at the top of Newtown Hill, as you enter Beechworth, the eye-catching metallic artwork is of a little girl appearing to brace the huge granite boulder from rolling down the hill. Inspired by Saint Thérèse of Lisieux of France (who died in 1897), the sculpture reflects “Hope”. Manufactured by welding metal off-cuts at Pennyweight Engineering (established by Brian Smith, Evan’s father), it stands on land which Brian’s father Michael Vincent Smith and the Smith family have owned since the 1950s.

Known to goldminers from the time they arrive in Beechworth in 1852, the ‘Logan Stone’ is only identified as a ‘rocking stone’ in the 1890s when it is discovered that it will ‘rock’ slightly if pushed hard enough. The word “Logan” is derived from the word “log”, which in an old English dialect, means “to rock”. In some parts of the United Kingdom, ‘Rocking Stones’ or ‘Logan Stones’ are still referred to as ‘Logging Stones’. |
2018 – Mar 8

Dani Price (above) opens Your Own Beauty at shop 2 in the Golden Vale Centre arcade, 73 Ford Street. Dani had completed her Diploma in Beauty Therapy in 2017 where she was also awarded Diploma Student of the Year. The shop offers a range of beauty treatments including professional Dermalogica skin analysis, professional facials, waxing, manicure and pedicures, tinting, henna, IPL hair reduction, ear piercing, lash perms and spray tans, along with high-end retail products for all skin types.

2018 – Mar

Dave and Jennifer Hodges establish the Barking Owl Distilling Co in a 1950s shearing shed at 149 Reids Way, Wooragee – between Beechworth and Yackandandah. The distillery produces a range of small-batch gin, vodka, liqueurs and brandy, utilising local raw grains, fruit and botanicals. Jennifer, who is also a ceramic artist, operates from a studio at the same old shearing shed, making and selling her Woolshed Ceramics.

2018 – Mar

Indigo Shire leases the former Beechworth Railway Station building to the Beechworth Food Co-op at a weekly rent of $120. The co-op is a not-for-profit group established in January 2015 and previously housed in an obscure shop in Gilchrist Avenue and need larger and more prominent premises. With over 800 members led by president Jade Miles, the Beechworth Food Co-op also plan to conduct workshops and lectures in the building. It will open in November. Education group University of the 3rd Age (Indigo U3A) will be allowed to continue to use the old station under the new deal.
2018 – Mar 31

‘Beechworth to Bridge’. Following the death of her husband Sean Cartledge by suicide in March 2014, Lisa Cartledge embarks on a ‘suicide awareness walk’ from their family home in Beechworth to the Sydney Harbour Bridge where Sean had proposed to Lisa 25 years earlier. Starting on Easter Saturday during Beechworth’s ‘Golden Horseshoes Festival’ (photo below), Lisa and her support team walk between 20-35km a day – stopping for dinner at local pubs each night to have impromptu conversations about suicide and mental health – before completing the 700km trek at the Bridge on April 21st. The ‘Beechworth to Bridge’ (B2B) event will be staged again the following year, with the (shorter) three-day walk now taking place between Beechworth and Bright, with overnight stops on the 75km walk at Everton and Myrtleford, and then become a popular annual event.

Touched by suicide. Lisa’s uncle took his own life in the 1970s and her father committed suicide in 1986 just six weeks before Lisa’s 18th birthday, before her husband Sean – a successful Beechworth builder and popular musician – died in 2014. |
2018 – Mar 31

To celebrate the imminent (April 11th) re-opening of Beechworth’s Ritchies IGA Supermarket (following its destruction in the January 2016 fire), a special float is created for the annual ‘Golden Horseshoes Parade’. The float is titled “Out of the Flames and Smoke comes a Rainbow” (above).
2018 – Mar 31-Apr 2

The Beechworth Arts Council launches its inaugural ‘Golden Art Fair’ on Easter Saturday in association with Beechworth’s annual ‘Golden Horseshoes Festival’. Held in the Beechworth Soldiers’ Memorial Hall on Ford Street, it features works from Beechworth sculptor, painter, and installation artist Jo Voigt, spinner and weaver Rose Gardner, printmaker Chris Dormer, artist and illustrator H. Fish (American-born Barry Pressing), painters Inga Hanover, Tania Sutton and Kay Hampton, jeweller and painter Judy Hawking-Burnett, photographers Pamela Thomas and Holly Borschman, textile artist Maureen Cooper, and many others.

2018 – Apr

Plans are announced for a new property development – Silver Creek Estate – on what had been vacant farmland in Newtown behind the Beechworth Squash Courts. The land overlooks the old goldrush area known as the ‘Pennyweight Flats’. 10 house lots are offered for sale and once work begins, a new one-way street is created – Foundry Place – named after John Duncan and Mark Straughair’s Beechworth Foundry which operated near the new development site from 1859.

2018 – Apr 11

The Beechworth IGA supermarket is officially reopened after an $11 million re-build and re-fit following its 2016 fire.


After moving to Beechworth in 2017 from his hometown in Albury, electrical technician Peter Sprunt sets up Pete’s Electrix, servicing homes and businesses in Beechworth and surrounds. A fully qualified maintenance electrician, Peter also works as a Disability Support Worker.
2018 – May

The annual ‘Drive Back in Time’ is held in Beechworth again. Run by The Beechworth Old Cranks Motor Club Inc (established in 1997 by a group of car and engine enthusiasts), the first ‘Drive Back in Time’ event had been held in 1998.

Award-winning artist Kathy Ellem opens her Kathy Ellem Fine Art gallery and workshop space at 45 Ford Street. Ellem grew up on her family’s apple orchard in Beechworth. (45 Ford Street had been trading as clothing store Sassy Road and Dapper Drive since 2016.)


Former Melbourne taxi driver Ian Gracie (above) establishes Indigo Personalised Transport & Tours in Beechworth. Starting with one vehicle, the fleet grows, including the acquisition of the former shuttle bus from the Hotel Nicholas. IPT provides personalised transport services and tours covering the Beechworth and IndigoRegion. The successful company will later become known simply as Indigo Personal Taxis. Sadly, Ian Gracie will pass away in December 2020 after a battle with cancer. Mark Webster then takes over the IPT business.

Ian Gracie was a member of Beechworth’s ‘Indigo FM Community Radio’, becoming Secretary in 2017 and co-hosting radio shows including the popular Sunday night show ‘The Irreverents’ alongside Dan Goonan and Norm Gay. Ian was the driving force behind Indigo FM moving their studio from Beechworth Secondary College to ‘Bunya House’ on Ford Street in July 2017, sharing the space with the ‘Beechworth Urban Landcare and Sustainability’. |
2018 – Jun

Beechworth’s Our Community Op-Shop at 12 Camp Street officially joins Quercus Beechworth, having been auspiced by Quercus for many years. The shop was formerly occupied by Indigo Central – a clothing, music and Video & DVD Hire store (below).


The Beechworth Tip and landfill area, which has been located at 1620 Diffey Road since the 1950s, is upgraded to the Beechworth Transfer Station with a large green shed, office and other facilities built at the site through the Sustainability Victoria Fund. The transfer station is now fully manned and able to deal with the growing amount of ‘e-waste’ and other modern requirements including recyclables, along with the usual landfill, metals, car batteries, tyres, garden waste and rubbish requirements.

2018 – Jun

After many years of gaining experience as a Sales Consultant with Garry Nash Real Estate in Wangaratta, Deborah Ravida establishes Ravida Real Estate at 76 Ford Street. The shop had previously operated as the Beechworth Boudoir (below).

2018 – Jul 4

Paula MacDonald opens her Rustique Soul café at 38a Ford Street, specialising in a range of baked potatoes and pancakes along with coffee, cakes and slices, as well as gifts, sculptures, plants and gardenware. The building had previously been the home of The Diggings Pottery Garden Gallery, Beechworth Blooms and the French-style café Bouchon at Botanicals.

2018 – Jul

Renovation and cleaning work begins at the Old Beechworth Gaol.

2018 – Jul 23

Beechworth’s 1852-built Organ returns! After leaving Beechworth in June 1907 (purchased by William Anderson for just £20), the Beechworth Town Hall single-manual Chamber Organ is discovered at St Albans Anglican Church (which had permanently shut its doors in 2017). The Beechworth Organ Society – with generous grants from the Indigo Shire Council, the Copland Foundation and support from the local community – raise $6,000 to purchase the prized organ at auction. Wakeley Pipe Organs Pty Ltd. carefully break the instrument down into about 2,000 pieces and return it to Beechworth and reconstruct it within the Beechworth Town Hall – exactly as shown in the 1886 photograph (below). The organ is made of pine and leather, and has 256 leaden tin pipes, 66 keys and five stops. It is one of the four oldest organs of its type still in use in Victoria.

Built in London in 1852 by ‘W. Hill & Son’, the pipe organ is originally ordered in the mid-1880s by the ‘Beechworth Philharmonic Society’. The second-hand organ is finally installed by William Anderson in the ‘Beechworth Town Hall’ on December 20th 1886. A few weeks later, Anderson will return to Beechworth to install a second organ – this time at the Christ Church. |
2018 – Aug

The Spa Beechworth relocates from the old Mayday Hills Mental Asylum to its new home at 9 Warner Road, in the former Ovens Benevolent Asylum buildings. There are 27 separate buildings on the large site, with many being renovated and restored by new owner and well-being entrepreneur Debby Donkers. Luxury hotel accommodation will be added to the site in the coming months.


Bike Hire company Ride Republic opens at the Old Beechworth Gaol (OBG) complex, offering Electric Mountain Trail Bikes (E-MTB), cycling adventures and guided tours on a selection of curated routes on the backroads around Beechworth. Ride Republic also offers a shuttle service to and from the OBG with their Shingleback Trailer and ‘Old Mate’ Troopy (below) which can carry up to 10 passengers (and bikes) at a time.

2018 – Sep

After running the Beechworth Butchery for more than 11 years, Luke and Kylie Whybrow sell their business at 70 Ford Street to Dan and Clare Cooper who rename it CC’s Quality Meats & Smokehouse (below). Dan Cooper completed his butcher apprenticeship at the Beechworth Butchery 22 years earlier. In December 2020 CC’s Quality Meats opens a second butcher shop at 33 High Street, Yackandandah. Their Yackandandah butcher shop will close in mid-2023.

2018 – Sep

After being officially launched by Jaclyn Symes (MLC for Northern Victoria) and Indigo Shire Mayor Jenny O’Conneor and CEO Travor Ierino, work begins on the new section of the $7.2 million ‘Murray to Mountains Rail Trail’ from Beechworth to Yackandandah. The 31km cycling and walking track will (mostly) follow the route of the original 1891 railway line, and will be completed by 2023.

2018 – Sep 29

Wooragee resident Emma Nankervis opens Ivy Phillips at 71 Ford Street – between Beechworth Pizza and Beechworth Books – selling high quality men’s and women’s fashion and homewares. She names the store “Ivy” after a name she had in her mind if she ever had another child, and “Phillips” after the lane that runs behind the shop.

The “Ivy Phillips” shop at 71 Ford Street had previously been the home of Greg Morecombe’s “Hotch Potch” and then Ian Smith’s “Classic Apparel”. Emma will open a second “Ivy Phillips” store at 53 Standish Street in Myrtleford on Sunday 27th November 2022 and another shop in Beechworth – “Spencer Phillips” at 39 Ford Street in December 2023. |
2018 – Nov 9

Evan Smith creates a sculpture, and fountain, to stand in the courtyard entrance of Beechworth Gold, on the corner of Ford and Camp Street. The metal sculpture of a man – ‘Richard’ – panning for gold, is commissioned by Vanessa Abbott from Beechworth Gold. Designed specifically to be 1.5 times larger than an actual man, it is fabricated and welded together from metal off-cuts at Pennyweight Engineering in Crawford Street, a business established in 1986 by Brian Smith, Evan’s father.

2018 – Nov 9

The Beechworth Food Co-op is officially opened inside the former Beechworth Railway Station building with Costa Georgiadis from ABC-TVs ‘Gardening Australia’ cutting the ribbon to launch the new venture.


A new, permanent pontoon is anchored just off-shore from the popular ‘Sandy Beach’ at Lake Sambell and becomes an instant hit with swimmers who can easily swim out to the pontoon, dive off and have fun. People on canoes and kayaks can also pull up alongside the pontoon.

2018 – Dec

The large and iconic 1870 Beechworth Post Office on the corner of Ford and Camp Streets closes and a new, smaller Post Office opens at 12a Camp Street next to the Beechworth Our Community Op-Shop. According to Australia Post, it had to close the old Beechworth Post Office as it was unable to modify the entrance at 28A Camp St, which was causing issues for disabled customers.
2018 – Dec 13

Following days of heavy rain, the Golden Ball Bridge over Hodgson’s Creek on the Beechworth-Wangaratta Road is badly damaged by flood waters, causing the immediate closure of the bridge and the road. Some of the bridge’s piles which support the structure are washed away, along with part of the road which is severely eroded from the force of the water. Traffic is immediately diverted via the Beechworth-Chiltern Road and the Buckland Gap Road, causing long delays over the busy Christmas and summer tourist period. In mid-January, Regional Roads Victoria erect a temporary 70 foot single lane ‘Bailey Bridge’ (below) so that light traffic can continue to travel, one lane at a time, between Beechworth and Wangaratta. After major structural work is carried out on the Golden Ball Bridge, it is fully reopened in time for the 2019 Easter long weekend and Beechworth’s annual Golden Horseshoes Festival.

The ‘Golden Ball Bridge’ is named after the ‘Golden Ball’ property established by Isaac Phillips in 1857 and later his ‘Golden Ball Hotel’ which stood next to Hodgson’s Creek in the 1880s. Rumour has it that Aaron Sherritt met with the local constabulary at the ‘Golden Ball Hotel’ to give them information about the Kelly Gang … information that would get him killed by Kelly Gang members Dan Kelly and Joe Byrne at Sheritt’s home on June 26, 1880. Today ‘Golden Ball Wines’ operates from the site. |
2019 – Jan

After running Finches of Beechworth for 6 years and winning numerous awards for their beautiful five-star luxury ‘Bed & Breakfast’ property, Margo Maller and Peter Brygel announce they are closing the business at 3 Finch Street. Sadly, Margo will pass away two years later on January 18th 2021.

2019 – Jan 19

The 23rd annual Opera in the Alps – including a ‘Three Tenors Spectacular’ – returns to the specially constructed stage on the Beechworth Golf Course. One of the largest outdoor events of its kind in Australia, the impressive line up for 2019 includes Mark Vincent, together with Nicholas Jones from Opera Australia and Sun Aria winner Brenton Spiteri, a 70-voice chorus accompanied by a full symphony orchestra under the direction of maestro Guy Noble.
2019 – Jan 25-26

The sixth annual Beechworth Music Festival is held at the Madman’s Gully Amphitheatre on the farmlands of the former Mayday Hills Mental Asylum. This year’s headline act are the stoner-rockers ‘Tumbleweed’, joined by an all-Australian line-up including Amaya Laucirica, pop foursome ‘School Damage’, throwback ‘rock ‘n’ roller Emilee South, youthful indie Reggae rockers ‘Pablo Pace’, blues madmen ‘The Rubber Band‘ and many others.

The Indigo Shire Council put out a survey seeking suggestions as to what should be done with the 1876-built ‘Gang Platelayer’s Cottage’ at 1b Harper Avenue, as it is in a bad state of repair and is, possibly, facing demolition. Christine Luckman, president of the Lions Club of Beechworth, puts forward a submission that the local Lions Club could make use of the building and that, if restored, the ‘Gang Platelayer’s Cottage’ would be ideal as a central meeting place for the Lions Club and shared with other Beechworth community groups. Ms. Luckman, a retired history teacher and heritage advocate, describes the former Victorian Railways cottage (which is under a ‘Heritage Overlay’) as culturally significant to Beechworth, as it was originally built to provide permanent housing for Victorian Railways local railway labourers, along with significant social welfare. After a few months’ consideration, the Indigo Shire Council agrees to support the Lions Club‘s 20-page submission and will assign Bevan Cox as the liaison project manager for the restoration project, which will begin in September.
2019 – Feb

Beechworth’s 1954 ‘Golden Horseshoe’ monument at the entrance to the Gorge Road, along with the ‘Pick & Shovel’ statue in the centre of town, are both refreshed when the landmarks – erected to celebrate Beechworth’s centenary – are covered in new gold leaf (from sheets of transfer paper) by Beechworth signwriter and gilder Clem Angus. As gold doesn’t tarnish, it should make them glisten for about 50 years. Indigo Mayor Bernard Gaffney says the council rely on the expertise of a range of regional craftsmen, with Clem Angus one of a few signwriters that still paint directly onto surfaces and is renowned for his work with gold leaf.

2019 – Mar

After establishing Belle Bourchier Bakes in 2016 and moving to Beechworth at the start of 2018, Annabelle Bourchier opens up a new eatery at 40 Ford Street simply called Collective. With a passion for food, Annabelle and her chef Ameena Paul offer innovative breakfast and lunch menus with freshly baked treats.

2019 – Mar 28

After successfully completing her 700km ‘suicide awareness walk’ from Beechworth to the Sydney Harbour Bridge (B2B) in 2018, Lisa Cartledge leads walkers on a new ‘Beechworth to Bridge’ (B2B) fundraising event, this time with a (shorter) three-day walk along the ‘Murray to Mountains Rail Trail’ from Beechworth and Bright. Starting at 8:30am, walkers head off on the first leg – Beechworth to Everton (19.5km), then day two – Everton to Myrtleford (25kms), and the final leg on day three – Myrtleford to the Howitt Park Bridge in Bright (32 km). The anunal ‘Beechworth to Bridge‘ will continue – and grow in support – over the coming years.

2019 – Apr

The Police Residence at 104 Ford Street is transformed into Dryden House – a multi-use accommodation facility for Victoria Police employees working in Eastern Region Division 4 (ED4) away from home or in the process of relocating to the area. It is named in honour of long-time injury management consultant Jeanette Dryden who assists police employees return to work after physical and mental injuries.
2019 – Apr

Walworth – one of Beechworth’s grandest old homes – is sold for $920,000. Beginning as a single-storey house in the 1850s, it is finished as a commanding and iconic two-storey solid red brick Victorian residence in 1868. Built for Judge Thomas Spencer Cope – chair of the Beechworth General Sessions Court – it is later owned by Beechworth pharmacist George Gammon and his wife Kate and then by coach builder Thomas Augustus Connolly of Crawford and Connolly Coach Builders. Standing at 12 Kars Street, it has been historically referred to as “The Retreat” and features a classic grass tennis court (below).

2019 – Apr

Indigo Power switches on its first community-owned solar power system at the Old Beechworth Gaol. The solar panels are paid for by philanthropists and community members who have invested in Indigo Power. The 89-panel, 30-kilowatt solar system at the historic prison complex will deliver roughly 55% of the site’s energy needs and at the end of the 10-year contract, Indigo Power will give the system back to the Gaol which will then benefit from free clean energy for the remainder of the system’s life, estimated at 25 years.

‘Indigo Power’ is born from ‘Totally Renewable Yackandandah’ (TRY), a volunteer-run community group formed in 2014 with the aim of powering Yackandandah with 100% renewable energy by 2022. In 2017, TRY establishes Australia’s first mini-grid project, partnering with ‘Mondo Power’ and ‘AusNet Services’, successfully linking 169 Yackandandah homes with renewable-energy systems. |
2019 – May

Work continues in revitalising Billson’s Brewery at 29 Last Street, as owners Nathan and Felicity Cowan welcome their son Charlie into the world.

2019 – Jun

The old Beechworth Post Office is offered for private sale. The impressive site has a residence above the main office area, which includes five bedrooms, a lounge room, bathroom and balcony.

2019 – Aug

Solicitor Andrew Thomas buys Graeme J. Bailey’s legal practice at 22 Camp Street and the legal firm is renamed Bailey Thomas Solicitors.
Carrying on a long tradition of Beechworth solicitors, Graeme J Bailey has been based at 22 Camp Street since 1976, and the building itself has been a legal practice since 1861, when William Lawrence Zincke and his senior legal partner Frederick Martin established their law firm there. |
2019 – Sep 1

84 years after the original 1935 Beechworth ‘Barrowthon’ – when Tom ‘Parky’ Parkinson pushed Tony ‘Sid’ Evans in a wheelbarrow from Beechworth to the Mount Buffalo Chalet for a wager of £20 – two men set out to recreate the event for charity. Beechworth ‘strongman’ Rahn Deuis and his friend – fellow fitness and strongman enthusiast – Mason Dannatt begin their attempt, taking the physical challenge to the next level as Rahn begins pushing 100-kilograms in a wheelbarrow from Beechworth for 8 days with the mantra “Don’t suffer alone, share the load”. Following the exact path, timeline and rules set before them by ‘Parky’ and ‘Sid’, they will successfully complete the ‘Share The Load Challenge’, arriving at Mt Buffalo on September 8, raising more than $7,000 for the Beechworth to Bridge (B2B) organisation to stamp out the stigma of suicide and raise awareness of suicide prevention. They are joined for part of the journey by “Scotland’s Strongest Man” Luke Stoltman and Australian strongman Eddie Williams, and then B2B founder Lisa Cartledge and her daughter Olivia.

2019 – Sep

South Africans Dirk and Nika Bester take over the Amulet Vineyard from founders Sue and Eric Thornton and their son Ben Clifton. At the start of 2020 they rename it the Glenbosch Wine Estate and expand the business to include a distillery and a fine-dining restaurant. Located 10 km from Beechworth at 1036 Beechworth-Wangaratta Road, Everton Upper, the name ‘Glenbosch’ is a blend of two very personal words for the Bester family – ‘Glen’ (which means ‘valley with running water’) from the 300-year-old Bester family farm (‘Glen Peter’) in South Africa, and ‘Bosch’ (which means ‘bush’), part of the town of Stellenbosch, where Dirk’s family is from. So ‘Glenbosch’ means valley and bush, as one third of their new property is native Australian bushland. At the start of 2023 Dirk and Nika open a second fine-dining restaurant and cellar door – Glenbosch on Dean – in the heart of Albury, at 453 Dean Street.


With the permission of the Indigo Shire Council, the Lions Club of Beechworth take on the task of authentically repairing and restoring the 1876-built ‘Gang Platelayer’s Cottage’ at 1b Harper Avenue. Partnering with with the Beechworth Correctional Centre’s Community Work Gang, the project aims to complete the cottage to a standard that will allow it to be used as a base by both the Lions Club and other community groups that do not have a home. It will become the first permanent home for the Lions Club of Beechworth since being granted its local charter in 1959.

Built in 1876, the two-bedroom weatherboard cottage had more recently been the used as the ‘Caretaker’s Cottage’ for the ‘Beechworth Senior Citizen’s Club’ building next door (established in 1975) before being rented out (by the local Council) to two familes. Since being empty, it has fallen into disrepair. |
2019 – Sep 24

Sri Lankan-born Amandhi de Silva establishes Amandhi’s at 35 Camp Street. Her environmentally conscious and sustainable café serves fresh breakfasts and lunches Wednesdays to Saturdays. The small shop had previously been storage space for The Ardent Alpaca store next door.

2019 – Oct 22

A fire breaks out in the roof of an artist’s building at the former Mayday Hills Mental Asylum where patients used to do arts and crafts, near the perimeter wall. Police and Firefighters respond quickly to the blaze at around 3pm. Though thick smoke pours from the weatherboard building, the incident is brought under control after about half-an-hour.

The Beechworth RSL – established in 1921 – successfully negotiates the lease of the ‘Long Room’ of the Beechworth Servicemen’s Memorial Hall from the Indigo Shire Council. Beechworth RSL President John Eldrid is happy that this area will be linked by a new door and be a positive addition the RSL Club Room and Bar on Ford Street.

2019 – Nov 8-10

Beechworth’s Celtic Festival is held for the 25th year, with a Celtic Dinner – complete with haggis – served at the old Beechworth Gaol (above). The weekend also includes Albury-Wodonga Pipes and Drums, who perform on the streets twice taking part in massed bands, and in the Tattoo on Saturday night.

2019 – Dec

After establishing the popular Gum Tree Pies in Yackandandah, Polish-born Sebastian Nedziak and his Yackandandah-born wife Melinda open a new Beechworth Gum Tree Pies store at 49 Ford Street.

Having started making their pies in 2007 at their ‘Gum Tree Café’ at ‘Keebles Nursery’ in Yackandandah, and then travelling to sell them at various markets including Canberra, Sebastain and Melinda purchase John Dale’s Butcher shop in High Street when the Yackandandah butcher retires in 2016. After expanding to Bright, then Beechworth in 2019, they go on to open a fourth ‘Gum Tree Pies’ store in 2020, inside a replica train carriage behind the old Railway Goods Shed at Junction Place in Wodonga. |
2019 – Dec 22

Established in 1979, The Beechworth Singers stage a special ’40th Anniversary Christmas Concert’ at the Beechworth Town Hall, led by director Margaret Phillips.